Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red


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Jiang Xiaoli woke up in the middle of the night from wanting to pee, and as she opened the bathroom door, she entered the horror escape game.

It turns out, when people are unlucky, they are unlucky in everything.

Jiang Xiaoli carefully and painstakingly survived the Beginner’s Game, and the other players were either given Taomu Sword, Zhen Gui Banner and other magical weapons, which are all powerful in the Escape Game!

But what did she get? A female ghost in red dress!

A red-dressed ghost who had a thing for her, living on her heart?

Jiang Xiaoli: (smile.jpg) Whenever this dead ghost is angry, my heart hurts. Seriously – I mean physical heartache.

However after a few Games….

Jiang Xiaoli: I’m at peace. (peaceful.jpg)

And then later…..

Jiang Xiaoli: Maybe this is more than physical heartache…..

Li Hongying: ?

Crazy Maniac in red vs. Silly and sweet little white girl.

[Some of the Games are “Referenced” from real events.]
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Unlimited Hongyi Works
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Misplacement Game (1)
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Frosty_Witch rated it
August 9, 2024
Status: c1
Well! Translator here! I would like to this novel is quite good for what it's tags are!

First of all it consists Depictions of Cruelty so there's blood, child ab*se, mu*der and much more (some of it based on real life) so read it with that in mind~

Now onto the review for the novel! (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) ~

... more>> The each game instance is so fun to read and translate, how LHY protects JX and JX trying to become stronger so she could also protect her ghost girlie ~ XD

Each game story is so heart wrenching sad with cruelty of ghosts...

There's also the Miss President LHY with how she acts and teases JX all the time so there's fun and fluffy moments also!

So I would atleast give it a try! You might like it (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠) ⁠✧ <<less
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