Infinite Cosmic Cafeteria


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【Dimension Exploration】+【Management】+【Urban Legends】+【Comedy】+【Roguelike】+【I’m Surrounded by Beauties】

The famous sharp-tongued food critic Tang Rijie had already eaten three big bowls of rice, sweating profusely, yet stubbornly insisted.

“I admit that the dishes at your restaurant are all delicious, with perfect color, aroma, and taste. But I must say, I still haven’t tasted any soul in these dishes! And soul is the key to determining the success of a dish!”

Ma Lu’s expression remained unchanged. “It’s just soul, right? Wait a moment.”

After saying that, he went into the kitchen, took two souls out of the freezer, and put them into the blender.

Ten minutes later, a steaming plate of dumplings was placed in front of Tang Rijie.

“Here you go, sir, this is the soul you asked for, all packed up and ready to go.”

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