In the Clouds


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Before he met Bai Xizhou, Wen Ruqing always thought he didn’t have many friends.

He had dedicated more than twenty years to his profession, but in reality, he had achieved little in his career, and his personal life was a mess.

So he returned to Yunduan town, where he was born, hoping to rediscover his original aspirations.

Later, in the town, he met Bai Xizhou, a lawyer who provided legal aid.

It’s no exaggeration to describe their meeting as an instant connection.

Wen Ruqing thought it was wonderful to have a friend like Bai Xizhou.

He cherished that friendship.


Wen Ruqing had always thought that he and Bai Xizhou were just good friends.

Even though they sometimes stayed together, slept in the same bed, picked each other up from work, remembered each other’s preferences, and were always the first to show up when needed.

He still believed that they were just really good friends.

Until Bai Xizhou confessed his feelings.


Wen Ruqing, Ancient Book Restorer x Bai Xizhou, Lawyer.

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Zài yúnduān
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