In Refuge, There Was Paradise


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Seven marriages. Five bereavements, one divorce.

Thanks to the arranged marriages orchestrated by her uncle, the beautiful Cecilia became wealthier with each marriage.

She believed all the wealth and power she acquired were hers.

But it was all a delusion.

She realized this only at the moment of her execution, falsely accused of poisoning her seventh husband.

She was foolish. She trusted her uncle too much.

Not once had she decided her own future.

Waking up with intense regret, Cecilia found herself back shortly after her third marriage.

Her third husband was Rusell Cardros, the lord of the cursed land of Lagos.

He never laid a finger on her and agreed to a divorce after two years without any qualms.

‘What did this man gain from our marriage?’

‘Why did I return to the time right after my marriage to this man?’

Associated Names
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In My Escape, I Found Paradise
도망친 곳이 낙원이었다
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