Imprisoned for Writing Fantasy Novel


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I released a fantasy novel in another world.

But it seems that the fantasy novel was far too provocative for the people of this world.

“Immediately escort the author to the guest quarters of the imperial palace with utmost courtesy!”

In the end, I was imprisoned.

With a pen and some paper.

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후피집 쓰다 감금당함
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inzill rated it
January 14, 2025
Status: --
Pretty much the same as the other "I wrote 'blank' in a fantasy world" web novels. Protagonist writes something, people say "wow, this is the most amazing thing ever, " and then the protagonist is revered as a transcendent being. The joke is that the protagonist is passive yet incompetent at being passive, the concept of the harem itself, and that people actually enjoy those tr*shy dime-a-dozen-dozen "I was kicked out of the hero's party but am secretly the singular most powerful entity in the universe" stories.

Not the worst thing... more>> ever written, and a couple chapters did make me smile at the absurdity. If you like harems and/or that kicked out of the hero party trope, I'd recommend giving it a shot. For me, the harem was being set up as too integral to the story before even a second member was introduced, and the protagonist set up as too... arbitrary? Weak-willed?... Cringe? If you give the first handful of chapters a try you'll know what I mean. Anyway, things were set up too uninteresting for me for how not very funny it was, so I decided to stop. <<less
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