Imperial Chef Rookie


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A c*cky flat-chested girl brought up as a boy by her mother in the hopes that she will one day live a respectable and peaceful life away from the world of cooking.

However, the blood of a chef ran strong inside Song Xiran, and she did everything she could to stay in the path that leads to cooking, and even ran away from home.

On the way she met kind people and a mysterious young woman who also has a hobby of dressing up as a man.

Is this fate?

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels 7
  2. Baihe (Translations in hiatus) List A
  3. the best CN yuri novels in the world
  4. Stories with food
  5. Baihe Novels Pt. 2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/26/21 Yuri Translations c21
02/24/21 Yuri Translations c20
02/24/21 Yuri Translations c19
02/24/21 Yuri Translations c18
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11/23/18 Kitchennovel c14
11/16/18 Kitchennovel c13
11/07/18 Kitchennovel c12
10/25/18 Kitchennovel c11
10/14/18 Kitchennovel c10
09/02/18 Kitchennovel c9 part2
07/30/18 Kitchennovel c9 part1
07/21/18 Kitchennovel c8
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4 Reviews sorted by

Felix3D rated it
June 18, 2018
Status: c7
I want to believe this is a good story so badly. The tags all seem very fun, and a cross-dressing Shoujo-ai fluffy story with a hard working Main Character could be so fun.

But the 7 chapters available right now makes it seem like this was written by a 10 year old, with leaps of logic and a narration that seems to "skip all the (important) details". It reads exactly like "baby's first fanfic", with mary sues and super convenient contrivances all around.

An the worst part is that none of it... more>> was remotely interesting. The Personal Fantasy aspect of the story failed to be more than a hot flash. Frankly, I almost suspect this is a Shoujo-ai story written by a man because of how terribly the author handles female characters.

I'll come back to this once it updates to update this review, but for now, it's 1 star, with 1 extra star that encompasses my (overly optimistic) hopes and dreams. Please get better. Please be at least good. <<less
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TypeAxiom rated it
December 6, 2020
Status: Completed
I read the whole thing in Chinese and it was a good read, although the title is a bit misleading.

It makes it seem like it's talking about the process and life of being an imperial chef, but it's really about the things that stem from her being a chef. Her becoming a chef happens in the span of just a few chapters, but what happens afterwards is what's important: who she meets, revelations, and the emotions that run rampant when certain events happen.

The pacing is rushed and the author skips... more>> over a lot of detailed, but nothing important.

The main characters are also quite realistic, with believable reactions to events. I personally never really had the urge to question them because the story is logically consistent. The prose is nice and the poems sprinkled in adds a lot of flavor to the writing and I really appreciate it when the author includes them.

That said, the worst part of the novel is definitely the pacing, but if you can get over that, it's a fine one indeed. It's only thirty chapters or so as well.

I'd give it a 4/5 with the missing point mostly because of the pacing, but since it's yuri I'm adding the point back. <<less
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vondasz rated it
January 21, 2022
Status: Completed
Do leave your brain cells to the side when reading this and just enjoy it as a fluffy fast paced yuri story. The 5 stars is basically just me giving face to the amazing translation+not having to think about the plot or anything. Not tHat bad, but like the previous comment mentioned, don't try to read this fresh and ready to poke holes; the whole thing would collapse before you can spot the third plot hole.

If you do like the story check out Accidental Love featuring bandit/defeated prince (ss) Wei... more>> Zisong x eldest princess Chu Feichen. <<less
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Cereal Is Life
Cereal Is Life rated it
February 26, 2021
Status: Completed
The title is completely misleading, it does not focus on the journey of becoming an imperial chef, she's just talented. I would've given it a 1-star if not for the description of the cooking process and the good translation. 2.1

The story has a very predictable ending and the author really sucks at writing plots, gives me the feeling of playing Uno where the villain puts a card to say "reverse" and the MC saying "Hahaha, I've predicted your response, Uno reverse!"... -_-''

It's simply illogical to read this novel. It's possible... more>> to read it when you're extremely tired and your brain cells aren't working fine like how I've been binging through the novels on my list. <<less
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