Immersed in the Act


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Two people acted in a gay movie. But they both got immersed in the act and eventually became lovers.

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  3. 2023 neuro? cap200!
  4. to read COMPLETE (I J K L)
  5. entertainment danmeis!

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/21/20 Wordrain c4
10/19/20 Wordrain c3
10/18/20 Wordrain c2
10/16/20 Wordrain c1
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2 Reviews sorted by

nctzen rated it
October 31, 2020
Status: Completed
The novel was cute and short but too short. The author has so many more room to expand the story and make it better with details. It could at least be a 10 chapters novel. There is almost no elements of entertainment world in here and I wasn't really fond of the ending. Overall, a story you can read in 5 minutes but feel nothing after it. Give it a try thou, it's at least a short read only.
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Butter fiend
Butter fiend rated it
December 6, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a true slice of life kind of story in the sense that it doesn't have vibrant characters or complex storyline, and the protagonists could be anyone (excluding their profession).

I felt a little unfulfilled at the end of the story. I wouldn't call it HE, but it's also not BE.

The 4 chapters are spread over a large timespan and each chapter is relatively short, so you only get glimpses of the relationship in a very "tell, not show" manner.

Overall rating: like when you're used to having a side part... more>> and the hairdresser gives you a middle part. <<less
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