I’m the Male Lead’s Brother


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Yuan Jia died early. After his death, he encountered a system and realized that his younger brother was the protagonist, and he was just the protagonist’s cannon-fodder brother.

Even though he was more talented than the protagonist, how could a supporting character be more powerful than the protagonist?

So, he faced a plot-induced death.

His business empire would be inherited by his protagonist brother…

His connections would be inherited by his protagonist brother…

His engagement would be inherited by his protagonist brother…

And he would only live in the protagonist’s memory as the older brother who died young. To be remembered when needed and forgotten when not.

Yuan Jia’s goal was to survive and live longer than his protagonist brother.

As long as he doesn’t die, the protagonist will always remain just a younger brother.

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I’m the Protagonist's Brother
我是男主他哥 [快穿]
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