I’m So Unlucky to Know You for Eight Lifetimes!


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“Alas, it’s been bad luck to know her for eight lifetimes…:

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3 Reviews

Jun 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Our FL is a free spirited, immature, passionate artist with a penchant for screwing up relationships and never knowing why.

Our MC is her childhood best friend who can't stand the FL's character flaws almost as much as she can't stand leaving the FL alone.

Now that they are both a certain age our MC searches for an expected forever in blind dates and the FL mourns her latest romantic failure in a sea of alcohol. It's hilarious to read as they bicker (one-sidely) through their quirky day to day lives.

The world... more>> building is not deep and there is exactly one secondary character who shows up for longer than a chapter.

Thin as it is, outside the romance, I like whats implied about the MC's work environment and you just know that even if she handled it in the most childish way possible, the FL was right to quit her job.

This story is an absolute gem. Strongly recommend. <<less
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Sep 25, 2023
Status: Completed
At first, Laure (MC) 's POV really gave me a negative view of Jade (FL), who was an immature, irresponsible, childish, and sloppy person. But that was the furthest from the truth, because Jade was actually a passionate, down-to-earth, capable, and humorous human being.

All the negative views Laure attached to Jade was just to deny her feelings for Jade. The feelings that she, herself, had not realized for years, but her actions betrayed her most hidden feelings.

It is a story that illustrates a concept that sometime one doesn't have to... more>> look far and wide to find their significant other - happiness is right by your side. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 10, 2023
Status: --
A short simple read that is actually worth your time. I enjoyed it! Made me laugh and wish I have someone like Jade T_T lol
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