I’m Not in the Villain’s Ending


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I took on an unimportant extra person. But this person’s future is death, a fate known as “boring death.” I decided to escape, and the moment I tried to leave…

“You must follow me.”

Suddenly, a kidnapper appeared out of the blue. It turned out to be the legendary enemy from the original story! At first, the enemy was cold and robot-like, but gradually he began to show his feelings…

“I love you.”


“Even if you meet another lover and love him, I will still love you.”

He even went so far as to confess to me, not to the main heroine!

“It’s okay if you don’t love me. Don’t love me. But just feeling sorry for me will suffice. My only ambition is to remain in a small corner of your mind, Sen.”

The situation was extremely awkward, because I had already decided to leave him.

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