I’m Not A Saint Though?


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The Catalon Empire has been suffering for 13 years from an unknown, relentless disaster.

To calm the restless public, the royal family decides to offer a sacrifice to the ancient lion, said to be the goddess’s representative. Shaen, instead of her illegitimate half-sibling, is pushed to the sacrificial altar by her father.

But I can’t die alone.

Shaen, after donating all the family’s wealth, cheerfully heads toward her death.

But then…?

“Why do they keep sending humans in? I don’t eat humans!”

Well, you should’ve told me that earlier.

What am I supposed to do now, after selling off all my possessions?

At least I saved my life, right?

Trying to think positively, I leave the cave, but… what is this?

This lion kept following me, tailing me like a lost puppy.

Not only did I survive, but people start whispering that I must be the saint after seeing me with the goddess’s lion, and before I can correct the misunderstanding, fate starts to play its tricks.

“The hail… has stopped! The disaster is over! It’s the saint’s… the saint’s return!”

“Saint, please save us!”

“Save Catalon!”

“Save us! Save us!”

…What are they saying? I’m not a saint!

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I’m Not A Saintess, Am I?
나 성녀 아닌데?
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