I’m Going to Marry a French Girl Who Is a S*x Monster


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I was introduced to my fiancée by my father, and she turned out to be a silver-haired, overly elegant s*x monster.

Suddenly, I was to marry the daughter of a father’s friend who is a billionaire in France.

Despite never having met her, the arrangements were proceeding without regard for my wishes, so I decided to meet her in person to refuse the proposal.

The girl there was elegant, silver-haired, and excessively beautiful.

For some reason, she was enthusiastic about the marriage, and I found myself swayed to go along with it.

At the end of that day, she made a certain arrangement.

“Lastly… would s*x five times a week be okay?”


“Oh, perhaps seven times would be better? I prefer more, but…”

“…Do you really do it that much?”

“Yes. After all, I am a s*x monster.”

She said that with a straight face.

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