I’m Back in the First Grade of Elementary School, so I’m Going to Live Well


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Itosaki Sho, a twenty-eight-year-old freelancer, has no money to spare. He lives in a 1K apartment, works part-time every day without a break, and leads a lonely life as a single man.

There are no dreams or hopes in his life, he just works every day to earn money for tomorrow’s living expenses.

The reason why he ended up living like this was all in his past.

He threw away his studies and friendships and continued to work hard and pursue his dreams.

Sho was betrayed by his efforts and was unable to fulfill his dream, and so he spent his life in a tasteless manner.


One day in the morning, he was leading such a life.

He never had a normal morning.

When he woke up, he found himself in a world 22 years ago.

And Sho was back in the first grade.
Sho has the opportunity to start his life over.

Not wanting to make the same mistake twice, he decides to live his second life in a steady manner, without dreaming.

Study, exercise, friends, future, and love.

This is a story of daily life, of growing up while being tormented by various events.

This is his second life. What kind of student life will he lead?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shougaku Ichinensei ni Modotta node Kenjitsu ni Ikiru
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6 Reviews

Oct 17, 2021
Status: c33
The first part of this novel was honestly enjoyable. The author did great with the antisocial aspect of the MC, it really feels like the thoughts of someone with social anxiety. Stuff like that makes me want to cheer him on this reformation journey of his. It was going so well until

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the introduction of the yandere. Came too early imo, and starts to derail MC's journey quickly. They're in the 1st grade mind you so this just sounds dumb already. She's actually a decent yandere, but I don't really like how her thing's hijacking the story for me and the fact that shes literally a f*cking first grader and their only excuse is that "shes quite mature for her age"



i cant even give the MC sh*t with how he deals with her since he was apparently an antisocial. That kind of behavior from a 1st grader girl is just absurd and creepy from the author. The readers are literally joking around that the adult who went back to 1st grade was the one getting groomed instead lmao

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Oct 17, 2021
Status: c33
Quite unbelievable that a 6 year old girl would be that aggressive in chasing after a boy.

I did not know yandere personalities can develop at the age of 6. At the moment, it really feels like this author is that kind of degenerate. Would rather see a more innocent and gradual (not to mention believable) love story than this degeneracy. Going to wait a few more chapters before dropping this. At the moment, really hard not to cringe while reading this.
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Nov 07, 2021
Status: c54
In my opinion this Novel is more of an 4 star as an 5 or an 3 star.

So now to the Story... Its starts pretty well with an main character is enjoyable to read because he behaves like the socialy akward person he is, but the whole story is nothing to special and mostly slice of life untill he starts interacting with the "yandere". To be fair I think she is more of an heavy girl as an real yandere but we will need to see how this turns out.

About... more>> the harem tag, we didnt saw much about any harem building yet and I hope its stays like this.

So in general its not an bad story and I enjoy it quiet a bit. I understand why people complain about an elementary schoolar to be an yandere, but at the same time you could complain that the character is behaving more of an adult as an child from the start. So if you dont have any problems with it then you can read the story and just enjoy it.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english <<less
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Sep 19, 2021
Status: c10
Tagged on syosetsu as "harem" though no romance has started as of yet so it's hard to tell what kind of harem, or if the author will just abandon the idea.

Rather than living "well", he wants to live "steadily" - he wants to study, exercise, try to get along with people, basically like a RPG player who wants to be over-leveled and fully equipped before taking on bosses, and is satisfied with just clearing the game without aiming for a full clear.

The ten chapters so far seems like it's just... more>> the prologue, but it gives a feel for the main character's personality and relationship with his family. Since it's a novel where everything is centered around the protagonist, if you read up to around chapter 10 you'll probably know whether or not you'll want to stick with it. <<less
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Sep 29, 2021
Status: c14
the translation is really good but the author made the MC a bit too inconsistently awkward for pleasant reading, it’s the beta Japanese MC trope cranked to 11. It could possibly get better, because as of chapter 15 it still feels like a prologue, but for my sanity’s sake, I’m not sticking around to find out.
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Jan 03, 2022
Status: c50
I really like the premise of this novel, and the author's early execution about the MC's social anxiety was quite fun to read. I really question the females in the novel, though, and even though this novel has a yandere tag the relationships get weird just way too fast.

The MC's sister cusses left and right as as third year elementary school student, and their parents do nothing to stop her. Moreover, the heroine falls into intense yanderedom after only a day, and within the week she's stalking the MC home,... more>> studying up on and practicing his favorite dishes in anticipation of their married life, and trying to break off the MC from his friends so she can monopolize his time. It's a bit too far from an elementary schooler, and the MC just gives up and takes it for some reason, only intensifying the relationship. <<less
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