I’m a Supporting Role in a Horror Game, Don’t Kill Me


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In the horror game “Killer’s Night”, I possessed the body of “Arviche Green,” Learmond’s tutor.

However, Arviche will be the tenth victim of the game. As expected, as soon as she was possessed, she died at the hands of the criminal.

When I opened my eyes again, a heart on the top bar disappeared. There were only two hearts left.

All Arviche wants is to survive. The first round failed, but in the second round, I had to live like a dead mouse.

The prime suspect was her employer, Duke of Learmond, Lakers!

Since he might be the culprit, Arviche tried to stay away from him as much as possible.

Contrary to my intentions, I attracted Lakers’ attention…

“Remember when I said that Lady Green was very interesting? That word should be withdrawn.”

It was nice to hear.

The killer’s interest was just terrifying.

“It may not be enough to say that you are interesting.”

[Lakers Learmond’s favorability has increased]

‘…Huh? This isn’t right.’

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1 Review

Aug 16, 2023
Status: c10
Tentatively rating as a three, I intend to keep reading. The mu*der mystery/horror premise is interesting but early on the ambiance is a lot more romance/comedy feeling. For better or for worse, the narrators viewpoint is almost exactly like dozens of other Rofan protagonists, i.e excessive descriptions of how beautiful and handsome the male lead is coupled with how much she should stay away from him, being good at childcare by virtue of being Korean, seeming slightly dazed and confused at all times, ect. This isn't bad, persay, but the... more>> way the character was introduced (someone who was such a hardcore player of this mu*der mystery game that they alone kept playing after most people stopped due to the difficulty), I was expecting someone just a bit more strategic and proactive. There's still time for more of the mystery aspect to show up, so I'll be looking forward to it and will edit my review accordingly if it happens. As of now though, don't let the "Horror" in the title fool you, that's not what you're going to get. <<less
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