I’m a Martial Art Villainess but I’m the Strongest Novel


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Our main character was an unsuccessful romance fantasy novelist when she gets into a hit-and-run then wakes up as the villainess in a best-selling Wuxia novel. She uses the information from the novel that she had analyzed in her original life, in order to avoid her death-ending and finding the truth behind what had really happened to her.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I’m a Martial Art Villainess but I’m the Strongest
Master Villainess The Invicible! (Official Name- Manhwa)
무협지 악녀인데 내가 제일 쎄!
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Best manga/manhwa
  2. I could read it, again and again
  3. Reads I enjoy
  4. Girlbossing
  5. KR Novels (Martial Arts)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/22/21 Whatever c40
03/22/21 Whatever c39
2 Reviews

Jan 26, 2021
Status: c1
I learned about this novel thanks to the manga adaption getting translated first, and since the manga so far has been very promising I came to look here! The manga is only up to CH22 currently, and I've no idea where that translates to chapters in the novel.
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Jun 24, 2024
Status: Completed
Omg this novel is a legend, though I do prefer the manhwa adaptation as the art style is so cute and pretty for an action themed wuxia world, in which this novel having a female lead truly differs as you can tell the main focus is upon the action gist of the battle and not upon bettering and beautification of the fl. Oh my god when I say I love how so anti niche this novel is, I mean it, like it is not every day that you get such... more>> a superb idea with actually content and compelling plot and LIKEABLE characters. The FL is well op (not really but she is an absolute legend and *genius*) and unlike manhua, which I originally believed the adaptation was until seeing the art style, is actually very drawn over and consistent in its timeline with no petty one dimensional characters who only exist to be face slapped, or a quadrillion secondary ‘male leads’ who live to have one interaction and somehow fall in love (manhuas I swear... I only adore hidden love can’t be concealed or TBAVW or my love legally romance for this reason) no this one is really different and well obviously cooler no doubt. Overall unlike other reviews I have written in the past I aint spoiling anything other than the fact this is a great read not only to just pass the time. Enjoy <3 <<less
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