I’ll Live My Life Surrounded by Monsters!


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Ryu has lived his life as the average commoner, but a chance meeting with a wolf in need of help is going to start off his adventure! How will he survive in a forest with dragons, demons, and fairies?

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Chokyo Shi Ha Mamono Ni Kakomarete Ikiteikimasu. Yusha Party Ni Oiteikaretakedo, Densetsu No Mamono to Deai Saikyo Ni Natteta
Choukyoushi wa Mamono ni Kakomarete Ikite ikimasu - Yuusha Party ni Oite Ikareta kedo, Densetsu no Mamono to Deai Saikyou ni natteta
The Trainer Lives Surrounded by Monsters ~ Abandoned by the Hero Party, He Became the Strongest after Meeting with a Legendary Monster ~
Trainer is Surrounded by Monsters
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