III count Dead END


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Mankind ventured into space, encountered different races, and pursued trade, governance, and war to satisfy their own greed.

In the year 2925 AD, Shu Kisaragi is a reincarnated person who pilots humanoid general-purpose mobile weapons better known as Armored Walkers (AW). However, an overwhelmingly powerful AW appears before him, dominating the battlefield and turning the fight into a one-sided massacre.

Though he was lucky enough to be overlooked and successfully returned unharmed, this event would greatly alter Shu’s fate from then on.

Various meetings and partings. Economic wars between companies. A world of kill or be killed. And a world where the inequality from discrimination seems endless.

In such a technologically advanced world filled with dreams and hopes, Shu whispers…

“Still… everyone has the right to fight. There are no exceptions.”

And so, he once again throws himself into the battlefield, because he is a mercenary who lives for war.

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III count Dead END
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09/17/24 Media Tag c0
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