If You’re Going to Sell Yourself, Sell It to Me


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Once part of the middle class, Georgiana’s life crumbled along with the bankruptcy of her family. Her father, having accumulated a huge gambling debt, left behind only a letter stating he was heading to the New World before disappearing. Georgiana, just barely an adult, was left with an enormous debt, a gambling-addicted brother, and a selfish mother.

One day, as she lived in constant fear of being sold by her family for money, her brother accrued another debt and sold her as a nude model to a suspicious man. The man she met through this unfortunate event made her a dangerous proposal: to become his fake wife.


“I heard you say you’d repay the favor you owe me yesterday, is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

After her compliant response, he paused briefly before replying in a low voice, “Then, may I collect that debt in my own way?”

With those words, he swiftly removed his vest and shirt. Georgiana’s mouth fell open as she watched him become half-naked in an instant. She had anticipated his muscular physique from his exposed arms and veins while he was painting, but his bare torso was even more impressive.

His broad shoulders and the wide chest beneath them were covered in taut muscles, leaving no part of him that wasn’t firm. Especially his abs, which were sharply defined and sculpted, seemed impenetrable by any weapon. As she stared in a daze, forgetting to look away, he approached her and leaned down as if seeking permission.

“If you’re uncomfortable with this, you can always say so. This is the price of your promise.”

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팔 거면, 내게 팔아
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