If your Husband is Cute, it’s Hard to Resist


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I had never been happy for even a single day in my married life.

When the rebellion broke out, my husband, the emperor, abandoned me and fled.

Resigned to my fate, I awaited the inevitable death that would soon come, when a man appeared before me.

“Why didn’t you escape?”

“Duke Ballestain…?”

“There’s no time. Follow this path and escape the palace.”

A barbarian of unknown origin, a war hero known for his cruelty.

He had no connection to me, yet he tried to protect me and ultimately met a miserable end.

“I’ve found the empress. Kill her!”

And I, too, lost my life that night.


But it turned out I hadn’t really died…

I had traveled back in time to two years ago.

And there, at a palace banquet, I met him again.

“Oh, that man is Duke Ballestain”

“Even if he is a hero, isn’t the title of duke too much for a barbarian of unknown origin…?”

“Is there any noblewoman who would want to marry a man like him?”

The nobles looked at the duke, who had returned from a long war, with contempt.

Unable to stand it, I made a bold move.

“Will you marry me?”

“You must be joking.”

I was rejected outright.

But under the emperor’s orders, he was destined to marry anyway.

“There will be no love in this marriage, and I won’t even share a bed with you as a couple.”

Thus, our arranged marriage was set. But this man… his words and actions didn’t match?

Despite his cold words, he went to great lengths to help me and even secretly visited me at night to nurse me when I was sick.

His expression was intimidating, but what does that matter? His ears would always turn bright red as if they’re about to burst.

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