If You Wish to Have Me


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“I saw your fiancé courting a widow.”

One day, Kisa heard shocking words from a stranger. Pale with shock, she went to confront him and asked,

“The difference in gender between her and me is merely a secondary factor. Am I, in blunt terms, having an affair?”

Kisa could no longer endure this deception.


Before her, who was struggling with an oppressive father over the broken engagement, a man appeared like a savior—Seyard, who suddenly became a duke in place of his deceased brother.

“Kisa, will you marry me? To solve each other’s problems.”

A suspicious man with nothing known about him. However, he was kind, and unlike her father, he supported her.

Sometimes, an inexplicable chill overcame her, but everything went smoothly. Until a letter arrived from her former fiancé.

[I have something urgent to tell you. It’s a very serious and dangerous issue regarding the man who may become your husband.]

Kisa’s heart raced. What is this man hiding from me?

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