If You Want Me To Die


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“Did you truly think you would be loved? How bold of you to dream so big.”

The man she had devoted everything to whispered tenderly, his smile—the one she had adored—carving into her heart like a blade.

In that moment, she realized the truth: she had unwittingly contributed to her father’s death.

‘My beloved Asar.’

“If I could go back, I would kill you without hesitation.”

And so, Veronica died, only to find herself transported back to the past.

The very first thing she did upon waking was to kill him.


Even after exacting her revenge, Veronica remained alive. She tried every means to end her life, but every time she opened her eyes, she was back in her sixteen-year-old self’s bedroom.

It was only then that she understood—this endless regression was a curse.

“Why exactly do you want to marry me?”

“Because I love you.”

“Well, I detest women like you.”

Veronica made her decision.

If her future held nothing but despair, then she would drag his most precious sibling into that despair with her.

“Your Highness will marry me.”

“What makes you so certain of that?”

“Because it’s what I desire.”

Promising a shared life of despair, she whispered sweetly, almost tenderly.

“Let’s live well together, Prince Cassian.”

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