If I Return Your Crown


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“Is this where you ran off with my child?”

The man she thought she’d never find had shown up.
He was there to take her child.


“Marry the man the king has chosen for you.”

Her father’s words shook her life to the core.
Isdante, the man who stood by her side in an arranged marriage.
A war hero who led the empire to victory and was loved by all.
did not love Thearis.

“If I give you everything back, will you let me go?”
“Let you go?”

Isdante sneered at Thearith’s words.

“Even if you die, die by my side.”

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  1. baby trapped
  2. Romance Fantasy 6
  3. Waiting list | Lista de espera - p8
  4. Interested in it due to how pretty the cover is

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