If I Had Known, I’d Quit Being the Villain


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Arthea, the saintess, was being assaulted. The sight of her begging for help in front of him brought back memories for Roy.

“This is bad!”

It was a good thing he ran away in a hurry, but as soon as he was caught and interrogated by the capture targets, he became aware of something.

“Could it be, I’m the villainous noble son?”

What would happen to Roy after the confession drug had made him say more than he should have?

Is the villainous noble son supposed to be in this position?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shitteitara Akuyaku Reisoku nante Yameteita
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  2. Otome! Otome! Otome! Favorite
  3. Reading list WIP 2
  4. Usagi's list
  5. Japanese novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/18/21 Foxaholic c1
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