Idle Life of a Saintess


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I am Noah Kaplan.

I’m a teacher at a local temple education center, an insignificant controller priest.

I have a very small and insignificant ability to help you sleep well, lower your anger, and put your mind at ease.

Oh, my dream is to meet a good person, quit the priesthood, and live happily ever after!

Then one day, the temple formed a subjugation squad, saying that the demon dragon would wake up soon.

Gathering all the controllers in the empire, shouting out the strange prayer, “Ta-da!”

So I just pretended……


I became a saintess because I was the only one who had a divine power no one has ever had.

I’ve been working with Cardinal Gabriel Schliemann, the most powerful controller in the empire.

Find the dragon, find the happiness and love…… Forget it, Let me go home!

I’m afraid of dragons! Uwah! 〒∇〒

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A Surplus Saint Life
잉여로운 성녀 생활
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Saint
  3. Korea female protagonist 2
  4. Romance fantasy 2
  5. List #3

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4 Reviews sorted by

selprenal rated it
January 4, 2023
Status: c2
Hmm, I think the other reviewer might have been a bit too harsh. I'm currently on chapter 2, and I think this novel is quite good! It already made me laugh out loud at the scene where

the FL kissed the guy's hand when he was trying to escort her 😂

and I find the ML's personality intriguing (from what I've seen so far I don't think he's in love with the FL yet? He comes across as

very nice but more of the kind of practiced niceness that comes with his title as the cardinal; not that he is two-faced, but more of he's being nice to the FL because they aren't close and he needs to keep up this kind facade. In chapter 2, he expressed annoyance internally when someone else came to his quarters to find him, but he suppressed that sentiment and instead greeted them warmly. And I just started chapter 3 so it's nice to see that ML (Gabriel) being aware that others could want to assassinate or seduce him by drugging him and taking the necessary precautions to mitigate that. No TSTL ML or FL yet, and hopefully they won't suddenly appear, lol.


Also for this type of saintess story, I appreciate how this author tried to make it more unique by delving into an aspect of this whole saintess/priest power thing that is seldom explored; instead of healing (at least for now), the FL's ability (as the synopsis mentioned) is more of pacifying and calming down people so it's more refreshing to explore. Regarding the translation quality, I think it's readable but yes, it's awkward at some parts. However, I've read far worse translations so the quality right now is far from making me want to drop it, and hopefully it never will, haha.
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theliongirl rated it
October 10, 2023
Status: Completed
I actually liked this story so much! All the characters are so fascinating and complex, with so many of then coming to face harsh reality. That's probably the thing I liked best about this novel. The ML protects the FL a lot, and in return I think her love saves him a bit. He's very calculating, but not ambitious, and she's maybe naive, - don't expect a strong, independent FL - but I think she has a lot of good qualities. I think that all of the characters have been... more>> shaped by their environments, though their innate qualities shine through.

The love was so cute. And referring to another review, tbh what's wrong with the ML liking her from the start? Don't people usually know if they're attracted to someone when they first meet them? I think it's good that the female lead is the male lead's type. He really falls in love with her later because of her actions.

I find him funny because he has no hesitation, he really goes for what he wants with 100% power haha.

And God was really Great and Terrible, it was so interesting to have a god that really felt like one. There were some scenes that really made me shiver.

I'm stuck between giving this a 4.5 and a 4, not perfect because I felt like one or two things were introduced too late or not given enough follow up and the plot wasn't super amazing. But I still really like it, I recommend giving it a try with an open mind and seeing if you like the characters. <<less
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misto713 rated it
August 31, 2023
Status: --
the male lead is either secretly vicious or extremely s*upid - he painted a huge target on the MC's back as early as chapter 2 or 3, right after their first meeting. "Oh I like this pink haired, demure girl", he said to reject an obsessive fan who just tried to seduce him.

and I'm not even exaggerating.

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Erumwhat rated it
December 13, 2022
Status: c2
I feel bad leaving a rating so early on in the story, but blegh. The guy likes her from the start for no obvious reason. And it's written kind of cringey too. The translation feels a bit off too in parts. Not unreadable, but some of the sentence structure is weird.
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