Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou


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“Future Occupation…Demon King.”

Sai Akuto enters Constant Magic Academy to be useful to society and to become a top-ranked national magician. However, a horrible prediction is made on his first day. Thanks to this prediction, the class representative girl hates him, a girl with a mysterious power embraces him, a female artificial human is sent by the empire to observe him, and his school life is otherwise thrown into chaos…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Demon King Daimao
Ichiban Ushiro no Dai Maoh
Ichiban Ushiro no Dai Maou
Related Series
Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Strongest: Above The Heaven
  2. Must read

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5 Reviews sorted by

Lachiel rated it
October 24, 2015
Status: --
While this is fully translated I will have to say that.. The ending feels rushed. But that aside the fan service isn't over baring, the fights are interesting, and we have semi-legit reason of our MC being OP. The story flows extremely well into what it ends in..

I do recommend people read this novel, but be aware of the ending and try to enjoy the ride.
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Dream Seeker rated it
June 6, 2016
Status: v13 afterword
7.6/10 sO Lets just round up here, it's a light ecchi comedy about poor sap who wishes to be only to find he's meant to be the Demon King in ever world of the since. I think everything was going right with the novel, but it tried to tr*shy fan service to a rich and complex plot, thus running the mood of the series. It's not something that I would read twice.
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Aruzu rated it
September 2, 2015
Status: --
A fully translated LN, really good, interesting, with the right amount of fan service, amazing story that flows really well, unfortunately the ending is kinda disappointing (at least to me), not precisely bad but not as good as the rest of the story, but even then I really recommend reading this, it's overall an amazing work.
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Rilchi rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: Completed
Good, too good, m. If you don't have the brain for it, you would not understand this, the author realy did a great work.

Every part was explained and explored, event the s*x scene in the afterlive with junko, Etou and Yoshie was well described. The story from certains view.

5/5, one of the very few japanese novel to ne completly translates, great job guys.
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Matthew_18 rated it
November 16, 2020
Status: --
I will be extremely concise, it is entertaining at first but in the end it is a waste of time, the last volume is incredibly horrendous and disappointing

The author self-inserts himself in the story

although the last volumes were already disappointing in themselves. The people of the forums who gave negative opinions on this are correct.
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