I Was Reincarnated as the Son of the Worst Villain


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Oh, come on, you’re kidding me.”

One day, I woke up and when I looked in the mirror, I saw that I had been reincarnated as Grace, the villainous third son of a ducal family in the game “Brace of Worlds”.

Fortunately, “Brace of Worlds” was a game I had played prior to my reincarnation.

I immediately checked my stats to see what skills I had been given.

I saw that I had a super low probability divine skill set, a combination of copying skills and skill fusion!

I did it! With this divine skill set, I should be able to avoid execution end and progress through the game world with a considerable advantage.

On the other hand, Alfred, another reincarnated hero and former elite and head of a local government,

‘Why does a mob character, a villainous sorcerer, have multiple skills that powerful? And he’s always acting like he’s trying to get in the way of the royal ending I’m trying to achieve!“

His frustration with the villain, Grace, was growing every day.

Am I getting a lot of hate from Alfred, the hero?

But, well, the fact that the heroes are the strongest is information that I had already received before the verification.

So, with my knowledge of the game and my divine skill set, I will continue to progress through this game world as I please!

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最低最悪の悪役令息に転生しましたが、10万分の1の神スキル構成を引き当てたので思うままに突き進みます! 〜何やら超絶パワハラ転生者の勇者から強いヘイトを買っている模様〜
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October 2, 2024
Status: c4
This review is from what I read up to chapter four, which is super early but this novel has very fundamental problems just from the start. Basically it is very basic for this genre and doesnt add anything. I will give it a chance but I may drop soon. I will rate 4 just because it is super early and translation is decent but would be 1 for the raw.

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Our character, being level 1 without any otherworldly buff, skill, or training, with no attribute, no experience, no item, literally having nothing setting him apart from a random villager mob, saved the princess from goblin attack. He knows what and when this will this happen but doesn't think to train for it and somehow he kills all the goblins and saves the princess. Problem is not the setting being basic but all the missing opportunity. Imagine if he were to scout the location, trained for it, bought some items. It would made setting more believable with just few added words.



Another example is, there is a maid harassed by the MC before he was reincarnated. She obviously hates him but when he acted nice to her for couple of hours and gave a gift, she literally fallen in love with him. Imagine if she were to hate him but looked for the reason why he started acting nicer. Maybe she discovers the reincarnation or maybe she really hate him so she becomes an antanogist. But instead we have random maid falling in love



Another example is apparently MC has very low power ability which is copying others abilities excluding the super rare ones. How is this low power you ask, because author said so. He doesn't even lose them, they are permanently available. This would be the literally the most broken skill every. I would be okay if people were acted like "it's cool but not that powerful" but people acts as if it is worst than not having one.



Another problem is skills introduction. Our guy randomly gets harassed by his big brothers out of nowhere. They punch and choke him with their skills. Our guy does explains their skills then does not attempt to copy them because he didn't had any skillpoints. Why even include this scene then. Imagine if our guy leveled up and gained some skillpoints. Then he could irritate his brothers to copy their skills to start overpowered. Instead he uses very limited points for copying skill from a random monster.

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December 2, 2024
Status: c9
I understand many web novel writers are amateurs and all that, but seriously, why is it necessary to repeat so many times at once?

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.."Black Dwarf, and your Black Flame Workshop's black flames are legendary because you use black flames in your forging, right?"

Apparently, in case we didn't know, it's very black.

"Black Orihalcon was a black Orihalcon, which is considered to be even higher than the legendary Orihalcon."

No shit, Sherlock.

The sentence could!ve done much better just as "Black Orihalcon is considered to be even higher than the legendary Orihalcon."


In an earlier chapter, the was a part of a line ("one after another"), repeated in three sentences in a row.

And what is a "protagonist's hero"? When I originally saw that, I was thinking it might be a translation issue due to how some Japanese include an alternate/simplified writing version of a word or phrase (kanji plus katakana/hiragana). But now, I'm not so sure.

One last complaint. I get the writers are Japanese, so when "currency" in the new world is mentioned, there's a reference to the "previous" world's yen. But after that, it makes zero sense from a character's perspective to mention it. Unless the story relates to travel back and forth, how much "yen" it's equivalent to doesn't matter. Because a money's value depends on the work or effort to earn it or what it is spent on. Is today's yen the same value to during the "Warring States" era? I use that since so many diehards love to use that as background. If you're not traveling back and forth between worlds, then you can't make use of both systems to connect the two to relate them. <<less
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