I was Reincarnated and Now I’m a Maid


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Julia von Vandeid.

A woman with thick glasses and hair tied into a bun. The exclusive maid of the unsociable Princess. She was actually a reincarnated person, and had nothing to do with the main character of an otome game. She became the caretaker of the Princess, who would become the villianess. She loved children and this ignited a fire within her!

The Princess is just too adorable and on the day that Julia said that she would follow the Princess when she gets married; the Princess worried about her instead!

“Say, Julia. I’m happy that you’re by my side, but aren’t you going to get married…?”

Will Julia find love?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
The Villainous Daughter’s Butler ~I Raised Her to be Very Cute~ (2)
From Maid to Mother (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Adaptation Recs (Manga, Manhua, Manhwa, Anime, etc...
  2. Japanese
  3. Female MC (japanese) first part
  4. Japanese novels about the story of parents and the...
  5. Fantasy Romance (JP)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/23/21 Foxaholic c30
05/23/21 Foxaholic c29
05/23/21 Foxaholic c28
05/23/21 Foxaholic c27
05/23/21 Foxaholic c26
05/23/21 Foxaholic c25
04/11/21 Foxaholic c24
04/11/21 Foxaholic c23
02/27/21 Foxaholic c22
02/21/21 Foxaholic c21
01/31/21 Foxaholic c20
01/31/21 Foxaholic c19
01/31/21 Foxaholic c18
01/31/21 Foxaholic c17
01/31/21 Foxaholic c16
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6 Reviews sorted by

traitorAIZEN rated it
December 2, 2019
Status: c11
12 chapters in and I already don't like where this is going.

I gave this a try hoping for story where a maid does here best to raise and protect the princess.

The first few chapters does this perfectly, and I am hoping for more: conspiracies, assassinations, love problems.

... more>> But then, the story starts veering off to a story of the maid finding her own romance, while the princess' raising/protecting part gets shorter and shorter.

I expected something more unique and heart-warming from this story, not a generic romance of japanese girl who dreams of reverse harem (yeah, she said that).

This is just another case of a story with good potential getting ruined by some forced, unneeded romance. <<less
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
EverlastingRyo rated it
December 6, 2019
Status: --
Ok, so these kinds of stories are just my kind of tea. Not too heavy and not too much drama either. Also I liked how nonchalant the maid is. One might judge me for being immature on liking these kinds of stories but novels are my means of escape from reality, and this just fit the bill. Unfortunately Whimsical Star-Gazers (who areh amazing translators Btw) dropped this story. Now I'm waiting with my fingers crossed that someone will pick it up ??
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
December 29, 2020
Status: c13
There is very little child care. The parts where she cares for the Princess is glossed over and only mentioned in the very beginning. It then morphs into a badly written romance that deviates from the original plot a lot. The otome game elements become irrelevant after the first few chaps. Plus, she never misses the opportunity to mention how pain and boring she is, so much so that she goes out of her way to wear fake glasses to make herself more plain, to fit in with the mob... more>> aesthetic I guess.

Boring and bland. <<less
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Eurica_effect rated it
April 26, 2020
Status: v1c11
Pretty interesting plot. I’m a bit biased since I like maid and isekai stories, plus it’s not purely romance.
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September 20, 2023
Status: c500
I can say this is not really heavy one but many things actually annoyed me.

... more>>

especially the "heroine". She is just typical reincarnated person into otome game heroine. She is selfish and annoying. She doesn't understand noble ethics and caused problem by being rude to other high ranking noble. She wants to steal Ardal, MC's lover just bcs she is heroine. She said she loves him but what she did is just selfish thing. Ardal is not even interested with her. "Heroine should be happy". What a bullshit. What she loves is Ardal from game, not the real Ardal bcs she doesn't even understand Ardal's feeling and assumed things herself. Ardal is so mad in love with MC, not a chance at all fir her. She was said to have future sight, but actually all of them is just game knowledge. Eventho is problematic but bcs she has amazing talent for magic, she still has a value.

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Takitori rated it
June 2, 2020
Status: c12
I like this, this time the MC is not a villainess but the maid of the villainess. Also there is a manga to this. The art really is cute.
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