I Was Proposed to by an Unknown Duke After My Sister Stole My Fiancé


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Amalia, the eldest daughter of the Earl’s family, is cuckolded by her younger sister, for her fiancé. Even though she wants to break off the engagement, her parents won’t take her side because the fiancé claims that his affair was just a momentary lapse.

At a party that she attends to distract herself, Amalia complains to a kind man who listens to her. She thinks his offer to help is just a polite gesture, but the man shows up the next day as promised. However, he is unmistakably the Duke, who is known to dislike women — a misogynist.

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BumBumBakudan rated it
April 17, 2023
Status: c52
Classical story about oppressed MC who was like an obedient puppet until the moment her fiancé cheated on her. 52 chapters are main story and after that are extras, but I didn't continue to read that.

Story felt bland and unoriginal because nothing happens (Duke constantly supports MC who is heartbroken, and villains are absurdly bad (main villain is the sister who stole MC's fiancé. Her reason for that was because tutors were complimenting how smart is MC and that MC, as the eldest child, will inherit county). Also, revenge felt... more>> like it was over the top (cheating definetly isn't a crime what would give such consequences). <<less
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