I Was Proposed By A Villain


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I witnessed a mu*der scene of a villain.

To make matters worse, he caught me.

I think I hear the sound of death beckoning.

He approaches me, his hand in his coat.

I wonder what he’s reaching for.

A knife? A gun? I guess it doesn’t matter. There’s only one thing I can think of now.

“I’m going to die.”

I wasn’t expecting what he pulled out of his coat.

“Will you marry me?”


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I've Been Proposed to by a Villain
악역에게 청혼받았습니다
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance Novels
  2. Red Flag Male Leads
  3. Romance MLs that scare the sh*t out of me
  4. Liked it 2
  5. Dark haired FL, pt 2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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02/18/24 Mrs.Potatoo c72
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04/11/23 Mrs.Potatoo c67
04/02/23 Mrs.Potatoo c66
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02/21/23 Mrs.Potatoo c63
02/21/23 Mrs.Potatoo c62
02/03/23 Mrs.Potatoo c61
01/25/23 Mrs.Potatoo c60
01/17/23 Mrs.Potatoo c59
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koco2018 rated it
March 22, 2022
Status: c2 part2
This ML... Every time he appears, my heart gets a shock. I can't predict when he'll pop up, it's like he has no common sense. MC went to the opera and I thought "author will make MC run into ML here" but when it actually happened I was like "There?! In that place?! What. Is he insane?!!" Short answer, Yes. ML is bonkers.

Guys, killers would normally probe the possible-witness to see what they know, but this man... shocking personality on this dude. So crazy, I'm laughing.

Fun story and ML is...... more>> I'm keeping an eye on him, he's probably just begun to think about not killing her... maybe.

It may not seem like a lot of chapters are translated, but each part is pretty long. <<less
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BeanEmperor rated it
January 18, 2023
Status: c59
First off, thank you to the person editing the MTLs and posting.

If this series suffers from anything, it really boils down to vague characterization. None of the characters are aggressively annoying or bad, but a lot of them are just kind of... there. Especially the side characters, there's so many we get introduced to but they're all a lil one note. FL has a loyal maid, Sally. ML has a loyal aide, Evan. Their loyalty is all we know about them and we aren't really given any backstory for where... more>> that loyalty stems from. FL has two friends: the OGFL Isotta and Kai. Kai is basically introduced as just kinda always having been their friend from some point. His trait is having manners. At first it seems like maybe Kai is into Regina but nothing really happens with that. Isotta is the most developed side character but that's not saying a lot. Her trait is that she bucks a lot of the conventions of high society and speaks her mind no matter what, also she loves Regina and is a little bit possessive/protective of her. This feels kind of mean to say because I also like Regina, but Isotta seems like she would probably be a more fun protagonist to follow, lol.

I don't mean to spend so long ragging on this. If you have a good tolerance for mildly villainous male leads who are still doting and supportive to their romantic partners, this is a solid series and a fairly enjoyable read. Regina is a pretty good FL, she seems a little unresourceful at first but as the story progresses she becomes more proactive. She has her moments of being surprisingly gutsy. Some readers will find her steady distrust of the ML frustrating but I find it within the reasonable range for someone forced into an engagement with a very shady man. There's just so many details that could've been fleshed out and given a lot more depth. Like, maybe show us a bit of why her friends and her maid are so ride or die for her, no questions asked. Or maybe show a bit more of what the ML's usual relationship is with his group of people when Regina isn't around. At the moment every character is written as if they only exist when the plot calls for it, rather than being believable as people that live their own lives outside of the immediate plot. <<less
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