I Was Ignored by All My Classmates, So I Decided to Fully Embrace the Life of a Popular Kid


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On my first day at my new school, I spoke to a girl in class who was being ignored by everyone. As a result, now the entire school is ignoring me too. Apparently, I’ve managed to offend the so-called ‘queen’ of this academy. What a disaster! My fun high school life is ruined! …Or so you’d think, huh? Well, bring it on. Let’s see just how long you can keep ignoring me!

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1 Review

New TeddyWestsid
Jan 20, 2025
Status: --
Great Translation.

If only the story was great as well.

Basically a story of MC overturning the bullying done to a classmate. Then the twist

where MC is this super popular band member with special parents. MC is also a Gary Stu to a certain degree. If being a normie had power levels, then MC would probably be considered OP

just made me lose all interest in the story. Thankfully the story is short which made me read it to the end.
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