I Was Abandoned by All of You, but It Seems I Can Finally Find Happiness


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Born as the eldest daughter of an earl’s family, Ariane was abandoned by her parents after her younger sister Margaret was born and was sent to live at her uncle’s ducal estate.

She grew up alongside Lionel, the duke’s son, and even made a promise to marry him. However, her father forcibly brought her back to the earl’s household, only to inform her that she was now engaged to the second prince.

Resolving herself to accept a political marriage as a noblewoman, Ariane returned to the earl’s home, but she found no place for herself there. To make matters worse, her new fiancé, the second prince, seemed to despise her for reasons unknown.

By her second year at the academy, Ariane endured constant mistreatment from both her fiancé and her younger sister. One day, she was summoned and informed that her engagement had been annulled, and she was disowned from the earl’s family.

Before being sent to a convent, Ariane decided to visit the duke’s estate to bid farewell to her beloved “Brother Rio.” But when she arrived…

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