I Want to Break Free from the Vampire’s Blood Bag


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My days are spent being a blood dispenser for a vampire after being possessed/transmigrated into a ruined game. Could the only escape route be the ‘Academy Harem Ending’?

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흡혈귀의 피 주머니에서 벗어나고 싶다
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1 Review

Kermit Pretender
New Kermit Prete
Feb 05, 2025
Status: c16
The novel is kind of mid all things considered. MC is the thrall of a vampire lady by virtue of his blood being delicious, but at the same time, is forced into the treatment of a normal s*ave along with dietary restriction (read near starvation and no meat), which in highsight is just horrifying once you taste the delicacies of modern cuisine.

What I appreciate is that the vampire lady truly only sees him as a pet or servant and never as a human being with dignity, so the MC hating... more>> her guts and everyone in her realm would not only be expected, but justified. Sadly, the MC almost never shows that, only talking about how he simply wishes to undo his servitude spell or whatever. The characters, although unique for the genre, are very much bland and don't stand out, combined with the lack of consistent pacing and horrible TL after the first 5-6 chapters, is enough for people want to drop the novel. <<less
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