I Used to Be Alone Until I Meet You


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This a sweet love story between a girl and a man who hardly expresses his love through words. This is a step of understanding that love is not just a word but actions. In the beginning the girl had a romantic perception that confession, proposal, and marriage is every woman’s three key moments throughout​ their lives, it should be a tear-jerker moment that even you’re old you can still feel it in your eyes.

After several years, when she gained deeper understanding, she said:

”He never said he loves me, but no matter what the problem, as long as I say it, he will definitely solve it.”

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Related Series
I Don’t Like The World, I Only Like You (3)
A Love So Beautiful (1)
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  1. Re-read <3
  2. Entertaining novels with FL. Part 2
  3. Casual
  4. Books that have me hooked
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10 Reviews sorted by

CBC rated it
October 17, 2018
Status: c11
This is very similar to "I Don’t Like The World, I Only Like You" where the couple's life and relationship is slowly revealed through a compilation of short scenarios that are not in chronological order. It may feel disjointed until you get to chapters 5/6 when the history of their meeting is revealed. From that point on (at least until chapter 11 which is when I'm writing this review), it's in chronological order and flows smoothly as a story. I feel that the 1 star reviews are from people... more>> that only read the first chapter. This novel is definitely not 1 star. It's really cute! It gives the same feeling as "A Love So Beautiful". <<less
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AnotherBoredPerson rated it
June 1, 2020
Status: Completed
Actually, this is a quite decent novel. Why the rating is so low?

So, this just a bunch of sweet scenes in FL's life. Told from first person point of view. From FL's perspective. Oh, this is similar with "I Don't Like The World, I Only Like You". About couple's life through short scenarios.

Sometimes, in the end of chapter, there were like lesson (?) about love. That's the plus point.

What I like is this novel gave me a warm and cozy feeling. Without drama, without angst. So this is pretty simple.... more>> A light read. I enjoyed my time when reading this :)

Happy reading everyone~ <<less
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chande rated it
May 5, 2022
Status: Completed
I love this story. It really had a similar vibe with "I Don’t Like The World, I Only Like You". The story was more like a diary of FL and ML's love story from FL's POV since their university day until they had an adorable daughter. It was so heartwarming and sweet. I really recommend this story if you look for something light and sweet to read.
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Tyarena rated it
February 14, 2022
Status: c11
It's similar to I don't like the world, I only like you, but it's just a bit slower and boring. Mainly it's told from the FL's pov and it's told in snippets of memories, she's ditzy and forgetful and I dislike the way the novel is written, I feel dissatisfied. I prefer a novel written with a beginning, middle and ending in order. And the FL's low IQ is frustrating. It might have been due to the quality of the translation is hardly better than MTL, reading it gives me... more>> a headache. <<less
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Yujian rated it
September 6, 2021
Status: Completed
Well I like the story. It has the same theme as IDLTW, IOLY of QiaoYi. Both have flashback scenes and the MC is narrating the story. Although I find some originality out of this novel but I find the former more endearing and original. But it is also a good read. The interactions between Cheng and Xin2 are always hilarious. MC always lacking in terms of explaining herself ending in funny convo of the couple. I also find many chapters here that are so heartwaming. Cheng basically is a hubby... more>> material. If you want a light novel to read this one is for you. Lol, about the oranges, women are really like that. They could never forget one vivid memory. <<less
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Anastrisha rated it
July 1, 2021
Status: Completed
Although there are parts I find particuarly distasteful, I love the story overall.

Rather than a story, this more feel like a guide to love base HEAVILY on the author's opinions. Some of them could be a bit bias, unrealistic or depends on a person's view. For example in our current time, it's heavily promoted being possessive to the point of not wanting your partner see the opposite s*x (or the s*x they are interested in) is very unhealthy and toxic. But in this story, although they acknowledge that it is... more>> bad, both sides were fine with them not seeing opposite s*x for the sake of their partner. Showing us that unhealthy relationship is fine so long as both parties are fine or can still happily coexist with it.

Thinkign about it, this remind me a lot of AFGITMOLFM, the main characters are more or less the same but high school and MC more representstive of the normal teenager than our naive MC in this one.

Speaking of which, had I not been forgetful myself, I would say it's a scam that a person very forgetful could survive college. But as someone who almost left the shoe in a classroom in college... Seems legit. But luggage tho.. LUGGAGE. <<less
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Kayla19 rated it
February 6, 2021
Status: --
it is full of warmth and makes me wonder how to be like this couple. They trust with each other and the husband is very rational in his thinking especially when she asks for break up. Overall, this is a very well written by the translator and I finished it in a single seating! Thank you!
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Amateurish rated it
August 3, 2019
Status: --
This is one of the most remarkable story i've read simply just because of how the author picturized the love between each other can be shown through their daily lives, the struggle they faced together, the little gesture of consideration in their action and the determination to prove love can stand throughout the test of time

Ps : the writing of the novel is quite light and funny
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ntww12 rated it
July 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Thought this was a seriously cute fluffy story that I enjoyed reading. It's a slice of life story with some flashbacks. I enjoyed the banter between the FL and ML. The warm story made me happy.
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BobChan rated it
January 15, 2021
Status: c1
As other reviews have stated, this novel is similar to 'I Don’t Like The World, I Only Like You.' The chapters are like small snippets of the MC's and ML's life. You get to see their ups and their downs, and it's rather realistic. The story is written in a rather light and comedic tone, although, truthfully sometimes, I didn't understand why it was funny. The ML is rather clumsy with his words and actions but as you continue to read, you see that he still loves her--he just expresses... more>> it in another way.

Overall, I would recommend this novel for others to read. It's not super amazing, nor do I think that it's on par with 'I Don't Like This World, I Only Like You' (simply because I like the story telling in that story better and their characters), but it's still a good read if you're looking for a heartwarming story or something similar to the novel that has been mentioned. <<less
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