I Told You I’m Not A Goddess?


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It does have a lot of magic power.

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저 여신 아니라니까요?!
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    1 Review

    New zhanxian
    Feb 16, 2025
    Status: --
    An adult male from south korea creates a munchin videogame character (female) in a game he doesn't really know anything about and is suddenly transformed into them and then gets teleported into a forest labryinth in the game. He fights his way out of this open world dungeon and is 'rescued' by a frontiner village. To pay back this life saving grace, he decides to settle in this village and help everyone out while pretending to be a child. He decides to try and live like a normal child... more>> but inadvertently the use of his powers to help others causes misunderstandings and makes this remote village the center of many exciting stories and adventures.

    It's not a bad story, but the translator really needs to get a better editor. Pronouns and genders change on a whim, sometimes 'I' and 'You' get mixed up although you can figure out whats propper based on context... it can be annoying to read. <<less
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