I Tell You Monster


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Have you ever fallen in love with a monster? A certain boy’s recollections and confession.

Baldium, the walled city – here in some dimly lit room.

The boy Norman was restrained.

It seems I’m about to be interrogated.

I will speak of the Unlaws, those with the anomalous ability to convert emotions into power.

And my memories of confronting the 4 beautiful girls named [Tear Flower] , [Demon Dog] , [Jewel] , [Fairy] , and the monsters.

“Just hurry up and defeat them, Norman. Let’s go home and cuddle.”

“……No, I want you to do your best too?”

Fulfilling the desires of those strongest, most ferocious girls who had no motivation. Secretly dealing with the strange incidents occurring in the city.

This was supposed to be my true mission.

But now, I am the great criminal who has thrown Baldium into chaos.

Magic, miracles, fantasies – it seems none are permitted in this city.

However, there is still hope. Why?

–You’ll understand if you listen to this .

This unorthodox tale of the extraordinary that caused ripples at the 30th Dengeki Novel Prize finals.

At the end, the boy’s certain that shakes the balance of the world–.

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Bakemono no kimi ni tsugu
I Tell You Monster.
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