I Take the Path After My Best Friend, Who Possesses Everything I Ever Wanted and Is Taken Alone to Another World


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When I opened my eyes, I was back in the original world.

It was the familiar school route I walked every day. Just around the corner was my house.

“Have I… come back?”

Hina stood there in a daze.

* * *

About a week ago, right here in this spot, I had been summoned to another world with my best friend, Maiko.

But now, I was the only one who had been sent back.

Maiko, my so-called best friend, the one who had always taken everything I wanted, had become the princess I had admired since childhood.

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New Kumarae rated it
January 20, 2025
Status: --
This is twist pov as spoiled girl who tend be take everything or negative to her world. Like you often see MC's fake friend or two-faced person.

It focus on the"friend" of heroine. She actually not good person and she has twist thinking due her home situation. She got her karma for what happen in other world. She isn't chosen so she bitterly forced back home. In some way we see how this MC change herself after returned.

Not much world background but more of MC's thoughts. You can ahead read of... more>> bad friend thoughts to her current herself in end chapter.

3.5 but I glad it not normal heroine pov but actually bad friend pov. Its unique short story. <<less
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