I Reincarnated as a Villain of an RPG, But I Want to Survive


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The protagonist reincarnated into the world of an RPG he always played in his previous life.

It’s a world with gods, magic, and an evil empire.

While living there, he realized he didn’t simply reincarnate into this RPG world, he became the game’s villain 『Jirat』。

『Jirat』, as the top brass of the evil empire, will be killed by the hero as the story advances.

To avoid the catastrophic end, the reincarnated protagonist 『Jirat』 will use his game knowledge from his previous life to fight against the normal game route.

Associated Names
One entry per line
RPG no Akuyaku ni Tensei Shite Shimatta kedo, Ikinokoritai
Related Series
My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending (1)
The Novel’s Villain (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Who is the Villain?
  2. From Villain to Happy Ending
  3. For me
  4. My Bank Of Shounen Novels
  5. Male Protagonist

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/21/21 Kuso c101-102 (end)
11/15/21 Kuso c100
11/08/21 Kuso c99
11/01/21 Kuso c98
10/25/21 Kuso c97
10/18/21 Kuso c96
10/10/21 Kuso c95
10/03/21 Kuso c94
09/26/21 Kuso c93
09/19/21 Kuso c92
09/12/21 Kuso c91
09/06/21 Kuso c90
08/29/21 Kuso c89
08/23/21 Kuso c88
08/15/21 Kuso c87
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17 Reviews sorted by

otaku31 rated it
May 20, 2020
Status: --
The moment the protagonist dogezaed out of guilt for an injustice not of his own making, I knew I was going to drop this. Oh, how I wish it was one of those rare JP WNs that betrayed my expectations of them! And this had felt so promising too- for shame!

Maybe it gets better in the later chs... perhaps, it will not proceed in the direction I'm dreading, but I'm not going to stick around to find out. I have been disappointed with what I have seen and have no... more>> desire or energy to gamble on the off chance that this tale/MC gives me a pleasant surprise. <<less
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Shuchou rated it
January 3, 2021
Status: --
This story is one of the best. People might say otherwise but I'll give it 5 star. But first I just want to say, this story is way too short.. only 103 chapters but... The author did a great job at ending it.

The MC have his flaws but his overall personality is good and you can relate to him. He's the epitome of a guy being reincarnated with his memory intact. He's a kind of guy that will use any information on his advantage.

He's reincarnated to an RPG game named... more>> something "Beast War 4" (I don't remember but it's the 4th game). And the MC being reincarnated to that 4th story of the game, he really did a fine job of using any kind of info to make himself stronger which is what everyone definitely will do. (I think the game has 9 so him being reincarnated to the 4th game have him the knowledge of the future, tho I think every story of the game have century apart so I'll doubt he can use some)

At first I don't really like the MC since hes fast to apologize but the overall look of the story intrigued me. Like how can he solve this and that.


I was really curious on how will he make his supposedly evil country become good, how can he save the supposedly Main character of the game whose sole purpose is to destroy his country for revenge because it killed his family and especially, knowing the emperor is good, how can he save him from being corroded by evil beast


That drives me from reading this and I'd say, ok m glad I did.

What I like about this really is:

The MC is OP because he uses his knowledge of the game to get what he need to become powerful.

He's not dense. (Don't read if you don't want spoiler on the heroines)

There are two heroines and those two are fighting for him, well since it's troublesome he proposed to both which really made me laugh and No, the sister is not a heroine


He's a selfish guy. He'll do anything to make him live (since he's supposedly a villain of the story)

His personality is good

He's a genius! Well not really, since he knows what's gonna happen.

What I don't like:

The story is a short that's why we don't get any more character development apart from the MC and few others. A lot will be forgotten since the story is more inclined on how will the MC resolved the issue of his country than his daily lives which is I find really bad and it felt rushed (considered all thing ended in just 103 chapters)

Despite being an RPG world, this story really doesn't have any major fights because this story is really more about the MC living his life so for example he was given a task to occupy a country the story will be just like : (since he didn't want many deaths, it took him 2 years so etc etc a country) and that's it. Seriously this is just about a guy living his life with nothing much to talk about.

This is not really good novel if you say but nonetheless, I'll still give it a 5 since it really satisfy me. For a short novel with 103 chapter (which can be read with no more than half a day) I'll find it good enough. The overall premise of the story is good and the ending the author gave is satisfying for me. <<less
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Archerreborn2 rated it
April 5, 2020
Status: c81
This is a lot better than I expected. I gave it a 5 stars to balance out the rating currently, but specifically I would consider this to be a 4.1

The story is pretty stereotypical for a "Reincarnated into Villain" story. The usual pattern where the MC tries to avoid being killed by the hero, and I found that the MCs train of thought a little too simple at times where he just seemed to accept things a little too easily.

However I really liked the direction of the story itself. I... more>> found it lacks a lot of the self righteousness of other Japanese light novels, and the morality of the MC wasn't as nonsensically childish which was nice.


While initially the Empire is viewed as an evil Empire by the MC, eventually he actually fully joins them. And the Empire is portrayed as just another militaristic empire, rather than cartoonishly evil.

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December 27, 2020
Status: c6
There is a certain irony in a Japanese author labeling an empire as evil for the sole reason of conquering countries in a book set in the middle ages. Which is an issue since that is the core plot point of the novel, MC requests to be reincarnated into middle age-ish fantasy world, and is reborn in a militant middle age-ish fantasy empire.

Well. Middle ages was basically nothing but kingdoms fighting other (and leprosy) and crusades (and plague) to discovering the new world (and basically mu*dering the entire south American... more>> continent and Carribean islands with small pox/measles/mumps which killed so many people that vegetation reclaiming its territory potentially led to a climate cooling period.)

Yet this empire is evil merely because its militant and invades people.

Oh its nice to be young and ignorant. <<less
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Lizzzzzzz rated it
March 2, 2021
Status: --
This story is not necessarily bad and it was good enough to make me mtl it and read ahead. But the thing that made me dislike it was:


Near the ending he marries two girls and it might just be my biased opinion because I’m a girl but that’s doesn’t sit well it me. Especially since he’s from modernized society and the idea of polygamy isn’t as popular here now. Overall the storyline is decent and the translation is good so it’s a good read if you’re bored.

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K4ZUYA rated it
March 6, 2021
Status: c63
and here I thought he will be another naïve MC that think "I'm invisible for I'm having this memory and experience from this game!!".

to my surprise he used that as an advantage and not an absolute thing, proceed as he like not bound to it.

smart MC ahh finally, I'm really tired of naïve ignorance MC.
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plainwalk rated it
October 4, 2020
Status: c7
Annoying. The sister is 8 and talks/acts like she's three. The narration has a few points that it bludgeons you over the head with several times per chapter. The main character is 10 at this point, risks his life to save some random girl and the author makes him assume they'll get together (romantically) in the future, because of course she's the love interest. It had potential but I can't get past such annoyances, especially wasting 1/3 of each chapter repeating the same thing multiple times.
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M.A.T.R. rated it
June 6, 2020
Status: c16
Pretty good, gives a different taste from other stories.

Setting - It is a game and he is part of the evil empire 3.5/5 stars.

Site - tr*sh, not only does it not have a previous and next button, it also doesn't have a night/dark mode! I don't know if it has ads since I have an ad blocker, but this prehistoric kind of site is already pretty bad, wouldn't put it past them. 2/5 stars.

Story - Pretty decent, first it was some introduction into the world and his family then we... more>> get his 5 year training trip which was done pretty well, I hate training sh*t that goes on for too long, so this is good, and now he is back at the empire doing whatever. 4/5 stars

Translation - If it was the earlier me who was eating up tons of stories which were bad and good translations I would give this a average score, but since I have been dealing with tons of bad translations these days I'm giving it a 4/5 stars, it has some really good translation

Characters - I give thee characters thy decent rating (3.5/5 stars), let thee be proud of this achievement. The MC gets his big fat 4/5 stars rating because I like his style, good dude.

Conclusion - Out of the stories I have read this story would look like just another decent story, but it has a flair, an important flair that keeps you drawn in, this flair is very important for a B rank story (4/5 stars), this flair allows the story to shine differently and enter the ranks of B ranks stories. 4/5 stars <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
January 30, 2023
Status: c4
I won't score, since I only touched it, but I just want to warn you guys: this is painful to read.

This is MTL. Not sure if it's the fault of the "translator, " but the tone of the narration is really stiff and bland. I do see it sometimes in Japanese novels, and they're usually garbage made by novice/garbage authors. It is, of course, too early to judge the story, but it really doesn't feel inviting (and puts off the reader instead).

Also, just like another reviewer noticed, the translation... more>> page is bad. There's no previous/next chapter button, and most paragraphs of the story in those chapters I read (like, 90% of them) are open, not having any comma or anything. It feels quite weird. There are also those super short paragraphs that may seem ok in Japanese (at least to a novice author I guess lol) but should be merged with the previous/following ones in English, so it feels really iffy to read.

Long story short, the editing of the MTL is severely lacking, and the story gives off the feeling of crap at the start, so if you want to read it anyway, then be resolved for it. <<less
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stanljpierre rated it
August 19, 2022
Status: --
Really disappointed with this one. Or rather, it just failed my expectations. Jira is just your average JP MC, literally nothing special about him at all. Overly humble, afraid of conflict/confrontation, and generally nice to everybody. Moreover, he hardly ever takes action. Such a bore of a character.

The other characters aren't much to write home about either. Their interactions are bland and none particularly stand out.

I expected more from an empire that's deemed evil, but they're just more battle orientated than anything else. A real let down.

The novel isn't exactly... more>> bad, but it isn't particularly good either. Wouldn't really recommend, but I guess it's decent enough to pass time. <<less
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Trolltractor rated it
January 18, 2021
Status: --
The author tells, not shows, except fails to do so.

The prologue is basically- I died, I told god what I want, I reincarnated.

That was enough for me to slam the 1 star and write a review. There is no building. There is no logic.

After briefly skimming the first chapter, the author's writing, which is clearly undeveloped, is shown. It consists of "I this, I that, small detail, I this, I that".
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Professor Baka De DeluPerv
Professor Baka De DeluPerv rated it
November 9, 2021
Status: --
It's dull.

Until chapter 40 something it's dull. The MC doesn't do much. After that it becomes your typical JP novel with this genre/plot. Literally nothing special or worth mentioning.
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pIRaTZE rated it
April 21, 2022
Status: Completed
The best novel I've ever read. It sets it's own class. I just love how every chapter goes as he woven the shape of this novel quite nice. And it ends quite nicely. Thanks for these master piece, author-san.
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immorrel rated it
January 8, 2022
Status: c102
A simple concept that is executed pretty well. Solid translation as well. There are the necessary twists and turns, but you also get what you'd expect from this kind of plot. An enjoyable read.
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blueinmay rated it
December 13, 2021
Status: Completed
it's kind of slice of life in another world. It's healing me. I like that MC is care for his family especially his little sister and his sister really love him, well he's a siscon after all. I like how he try to over come bad end and how he care other.
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ANovelUpdatesreader rated it
December 22, 2023
Status: c102
It's really good.

What will you do if you're isekai'd in a game world in the villainous Empire

The only complaints I have are

1- a lot of parts like the war are finished in "2 years later the war is won yay"

2- that it ended too fast, but I can understand the author after all the story is done, all he can write about now will be slice of life

Recommend if you have a day to waste👍
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deathmine31 rated it
December 13, 2021
Status: Completed
Simple story. Nice and short. Nothing complicated. Some cliché moments cemented it as average stuff. Almost close to peak of 3 star though if a few more clichés were added.
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