I Refuse to Try to Max Out Any Stat So I’ll Just Start Finding My Own Way Around! A Healer That Doesn’t Specialize in Anything, Separates From His Friends, and Goes on His Own Journey


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Many people suddenly find themselves in a white, empty space, where a God-like figure tells them that they are to be reincarnated and sent to another world known as Tesla. They are given a limited number of points to spend in various attributes, such as their race and abilities, which will determine their reincarnation into Tesla. The story follows a young boy sent there along with his clanmates from an MMORPG, and they plan to stick together and specialize into different skills, just like they did in-game. Although his clanmates and everyone else sent there are strangely accepting of the situation, he finds it too suspicious and decides to go his own separate way, balancing his points out to be an all-rounder instead of a healer. He leisurely goes about life in Tesla as an adventurer, but it slowly starts to seem like there was a reason behind them being sent there…

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Gokufuri Kyohi Shite Tesaguri Start! Tokka Shinai Healer, Nakama to Wakarete Tabi ni Deru
極振り拒否して手探りスタート! 特化しないヒーラー、仲間と別れて旅に出る
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11 Reviews sorted by

twdavis78 rated it
March 22, 2021
Status: c180
While interesting enough at the beginning to have me machine translate all the way up to 180, this web novel falls apart and evolves into something boring. Basically, the story is about a character Rook whom develops no lasting relationships as he grinds experience moving from place to place. He has no companions. His closest relationship is with a fairy where his interactions are restricted to a few minutes in world time due to the length of his summoning period. All other relationships are superficial NPC characters at best that... more>> are severed as he leaves town. <<less
30 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
November 9, 2021
Status: c160
I quite like this one. There is no annoying female character, no harem.

MC is traveling around and enjoying the world.

He met new people along the way, but never stayed too long with any group, I like it that way.
15 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
LightNovelReader159 rated it
July 22, 2023
Status: c271
A "slow" isekai done right, one of the few isekais that actually tries to tackle the problem of "what would you do in a world full of strangers and without common knowledge?", the people MC meats are neither saints nor a**holes for no reason, just normal people that are cautious of strangers. This story is slowpaced not because the MC is lazy but because it doesn't handwave trivial problems that happen, some examples:

    • Even if MC gets stronger through skills he still has the mindset of "One hit of an ogre will kill me", making him weaker
    • EVERY time he gets to a new town he has to rank up in the adventurers guild because there's no convenient global guild
    • At one point he gets an OP skill to create his own dimension, which he cannot use because it would be sus to just dissapear in the middle of a small town without going to an inn, he also cannot buy any furniture because who tf would buy furniture without a house?
If I had one complaint it's about the first chapter, it's presented as if the MC is going to be brainwashed by god but he escapes and lives in fear!!, except we don't hear much about the other summoned heroes, nor the god which surely knows where he is. This might be better explored in the LN though. Also even though I like how realistic the story is it is frustrating reaching the climax of an arc only for MC to run away because he doesnt want to be notices by nobles and such.

EDIT: I was going to give this 4 stars, but honestly the fact that the WN is still being written even if the LN is ongoing, the author isnt dying of some chronic disease nor has he hit a writer's block, AND it's being actively translated by someone who has a patreon is already miles better than 90% of novels here
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kadzu rated it
February 16, 2022
Status: c117
I like the MC's personality where he is cautious and smart but also makes mistakes while slowly discovering more things about the world, trying to hide his lack of otherworldly common sense while slowly acquiring it.

I think the minus points would be the ones mentioned in the review about how the MC doesn't develop relationships but that's natural considering how the world is and his objectives. Most people in the world rarely leave the city or region they were born and live happily in their comfort zones while he wants... more>> to explore the new world and become a great adventurer making an effort to not establish a comfort zone.

I will keep reading this novel and hope he finds companions and develop more relationships with people that can travel with him. <<less
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gelleali rated it
January 1, 2022
Status: c104
At the beginning it was really interesting, a "anti-routine". Completely out of my expectation.

Usually you'd see the MC go with his/her friends, just anyone familiar with them to another world.

But not here, our MC felt something was off so he separated from his friends. (Good choice) ... more>>

escaped from brainwashing


After he reincarnated, it becomes a solo healer/adventurer fantasy. He meets interesting people along the way.

around chapter 20-30 the solo part is gone, and MC joins a party. If you don't like MC joining a party.

skip to chapter 61

where MC leaves the party cuz his ambitions of seeing the world, while the rest of party wants to stay in the town


but from what I read past chapter 80, MC gets into some trouble, cuz of some misunderstanding

The MC character is cautious, ambitious, fearless, strong will, loyal, over thinks.

So yeah, MC goes from village to town to country. Meeting new people, picking up holy books, summoning a fairy (to talk to, cost all his mana), and making enemies along the way.

If the MC was full on solo till the end, then I would love to continue reading it. Since the title gave the impression of a solo mc <<less
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Sendura rated it
July 11, 2022
Status: c175
Very relaxed story about a reincarnated person "Rook". He travels from further and further through the world and develops as a character. Except him there are no real reoccurring characters, even if the story often hints at connection it feels more like separated stories each time he arrives at a new town/city. The side characters are not really uninteresting, but we are going to get separated from them nearly always after Rook leaves the town.

The chapters are small and the world is really big. So it's understandable that MC who... more>> was isekaied still hasn't found his place in the world. <<less
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Fish009 rated it
February 17, 2023
Status: c264
Plotlines for each arc are done well, everything was foreshadowed in some way. And unlike other bad novels, foreshadows aren't done just a few chapters ahead of the event, actually a lot of the stuff from casual convo are still not used. It's obvious that th author has planning and knows where the story is going.

No harem, no annoying girls, no overused tropes. Love it

One thing tho, I guess the summoned heros is the biggest plotline, but the story has not eneter that yet, so rn it's just MC travelling,... more>> adventuring and gaining strength. I personally like it slow, it takes time for the MC to move to that empire and to gain strength anyway, plus it'll be ridiculous if MC is going against a whole organisation soon after he enters a new world

Oh also, the raw novel is just out of hiatus in Feb 2023, new arc yay <<less
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ehrid rated it
October 20, 2022
Status: c262
Overall nice story, I like that this is about character development. If you hope for typical isekai then this is not for you. (No harem etc). Hope hiastus will soon end
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euphus rated it
March 1, 2024
Status: c260
Closer to a 'slice of life' adventure than an action series. Pacing is slow but I never got bored. If you're looking for an adventure isekai, this is certainly one of them. Sufficient mystery and unanswered questions to keep me interested while he roams to various places.

No romance which is atypical of this genre. The fairy on the cover is definitely clickbait - character exists but doesn't play a big role. That's a plus for me.
1 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
BTEC Gandhi
BTEC Gandhi rated it
February 26, 2024
Status: c314
This series is honestly really amazing and special. This is an adventure in its purest form, roaming the world, meeting new characters and saying goodbye, getting stronger and having new experiences, it's just such a simple concept but executed so well. If you're into fantasy adventure stories this is a must read, it's just incredible, and the translator has done a solid job too. I cannot wait for new chapters to start coming out again.
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CatCubed rated it
August 29, 2024
Status: c314
A main character after my own heart. He's not interested in accolades or being known as an amazing healer (any references to his self-referral as A Great Healer seem to mostly be a teenage boy's heroic daydreams in the non-serious sense), and any potential trouble or involvement with nobility has him quickly moving to the next town or country. Meanwhile, just about everything he does, large or small, purposefully or accidentally, brings to mind the saying that a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane on the other side of the... more>> world (to the point that it makes you wonder where the heck the other reincarnators are).

I'm also seriously enjoying how he stumbles through learning about all kinds things by researching, chatting up old adventurers in taverns, steadily gaining new skills, and occasionally battling super strong monsters that he's barely able to escape from. He's attempting to solo incognito in a foreign world with what is technically the most difficult class, and that makes it all the more fun when he suddenly discovers something new on his own or suddenly needs to escape potentially problematic attention.

Note: I've read to the end of what seems to be Volume 6 (according to the publisher), so I'm eagerly looking forward to Volume 7 as of 29Aug2024. <<less
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