I Recover Like Crazy


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I was put into a world where heroes exist.

Unfortunately, I got the superpower Healing Factor.

Since my body will recover anyway, I might as well do my best.

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New Mr.slowly rated it
December 21, 2024
Status: c11
It's ridiculous that this has received such low reviews. All I can say is.. If you don't understand something, don't just be nasty as a default mode. It's like everyone wants to be a B or C grade villain, like that's as far as they can see. Anyway, moving on. This story has lots and lots of promise. I've done some writing myself and tons of reading - the little bit of talent that I seem to have is just enough to know that this author has amazing talent, even... more>> if it's in a world that gushes for Michael Bay that we all have to live in. I Recover Like Crazy seems like an early story in the career - hopefully we will see tons more. It seems to be a Noir Superhero type plot but I have a feeling there will be some fun little easter eggs. I really like everything about it so far - even the little awkwardness at the beginning during the set up, which might be translator too. Whatever, this is good stuff whether anyone can recognize it or not. Thank you so very much for picking this up and please stay with it. Ill try to send some love for your efforts! <<less
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