I Really Just Want to Build a Career


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There are two main gods in the Small World Administration, one is Gu Juntian and the other is Zhou Qinghao.

Gu Juntian loves fighting and always fights with Zhou Qinghao. Zhou Qinghao is so annoyed that he can only hide in the small world. Gu Juntian chased him into the small world, but lost his memory and became a scumbag who abandoned Zhou Qinghao.

Before he saw Zhou Qinghao, Gu Juntian vowed: What’s the point of falling in love? I just want to have a career!

After seeing Zhou Qinghao, Gu Juntian was entangled: His heartbeat accelerated and his whole body was restless when he saw this person… Is this love at first sight?

After the two of them were sweet, Gu Juntian could no longer restrain his thoughts: “Zhou Qinghao, let’s fight?”

Zhou Qinghao blushed: Fight? Goblin fight?

Gu Juntian is the top, Zhou Qinghao is the bottom, they love each other

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New Qnnou rated it
November 16, 2024
Status: --
I really like this author and his other QT novels, but this one is pretty bland compared to his other works. Most of the stories are so-so, only 2 or 3 stories are somewhat interesting. But that's all when compared to his other novels, when compared to other QT novels in NU, this novel is quite interesting
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