I, Qinghuan


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Three thousand years ago, Qinghuan died under Nanyang’s sword and left a farewell letter. Her longing to become Nanyang’s wife was written between the lines.

Three thousand years later, at the beginning of the story, Nanyang married her. For the rest of our lives, you must be my wife.

Three thousand years of wandering, for just a short reunion.

The things owed to her in the past will now be made up for, one by one, until paid in full.

Three thousand years ago, one was an aloof, iceberg master, and the other a gentle and humble apprentice.

Nanyang: Go away. Don’t touch me. Presumptuous! Troublemaker!

Qinghuan: Master, look at me. I’ll cook for you and wash your clothes, (╥﹏╥)

Three thousand years later, one is the humble boss who always tries to please her wife, and the other is an indifferent and glamorous celebrity.

Qinghuan: Don’t spend money on me, don’t treat me well. I won’t like you.

Nanyang: o(〒﹏〒)o Wife, I’ll wash your clothes and cook for you, please take a bite.

Glamorous and gentle mature woman gong X cold and gentle mature woman shou.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I, Qinghuan [Modern Chapter]
The Small Joys in Life
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9 Reviews sorted by

blazingseraph rated it
February 19, 2021
Status: Completed
Glad this got picked up! This story is very tragic in how it begins, but the portrayal of romance here was really moving. It's not "realistic" by any means, but more in line with the kind of fairy tale love you see in stuff like Romeo and Juliet.

Nanyang's love for Qing Huan lasting so long and how patient she is really tugs at the heartstrings. She's the only one who remembers the past and she went through a painful ritual to get a chance of seeing Qing Huan again through... more>> her reincarnation. Her chance is basically at her 99th reincarnation and Qing Huan will get the chance to remember the past she had with her. Before then, Nanyang is effectively immortal while bearing all of the injuries that Qing Huan had at the end of her first life. You can already tell how painful that sounds considering Qing Huan was killed.

Their current life, and also the 99th reincarnation, Nanyang is essentially boiling the frog in warm water with how gentle and patient and catering she is to Qing Huan. There's obstacles to them getting together though since they ended up in an arranged marriage (not by Nanyang's choice), and Qing Huan was not happy about that. The journey of them getting together and us finding out exactly what Nanyang went through until now was very fulfilling though. Heartbreaking, but well written.

P.S. Reincarnations don't necessarily mean that Qing Huan was human either, and Nanyang was with her through all of it, including the time Qing Huan was a spider or a rabbit or even a plant. There were 2 reincarnations that were mentioned in the story that made me cry though, and uhhhh yeah have fun when you get to that point.

With all that said, this story catered to my romantic spirit and felt very satisfying to read. Love that can last through all hardships is really moving. <<less
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aureolin rated it
February 21, 2021
Status: Completed
I stayed up until 4 AM to finish the novel, and then created this account to leave a review. I really liked this. It's tragic/angsty but heartwarming. It made me tear up during some parts and for other parts, I was grinning like a fool. I just really liked Nanyang and Qing Huan's relationship. Although it starts off rocky in the beginning of their 99th meeting (mostly due to the meddling of others *cough* Mei Zongli, you extorting bastard *cough*), it develops nicely. I liked them so much, I ended... more>> up skimming over some of the other stuff with one of the side couples (the one that appears the most). That's not to say that they weren't interesting, I just preferred reading about the main couple. I did think the ending was a little rushed, but that could've been due to the MTL or the lack of sleep lol. The extras made up for it, though. Very sweet and wholesome. The other reviews already do a good job going into more detail about Nanyang and Qing Huan's relationship with each other, so I'll leave my review here.

In conclusion: give this a read! <<less
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BrainDeadYuriReader rated it
February 17, 2021
Status: c90
This journey is going to be a good one. I'm MTLing the novel since I wanted to get this series out to more people. If you can understand Chinese well enough to do this series justice please do! I don't know any Chinese so many of the poems and idioms go right over my head. There are so many emotional and heartbreaking scenes that will lose their impact thanks to my very basic editing skills. This is a sequel to another work that I'm a bit hesitant to read since... more>> it would increase the pain by x10. No problems though since this is a HE so the characters won't suffer too much (???)


They do suffer plenty though, like how our MC is literally DYING throughout the novel


All in all! Our MC is the classic iceberg trope but done well. She really melts around the heroine and she has all these cute little quirks. She has liked the heroine since before this novel so we don't have to wait for the ice to melt. With all honestly, I'm not quite sure if she's the MC or not since the perspective is equally shared. Nanyang really loves Qing Huan and it's so cute how she acts around her.

Eating chocolate whenever she gets upset because she used to eat other sweets but Qing Huan told her that it's not healthy.


Qing Huan, who I'm guessing is our heroine, is really likable as well. Both are pretty well written and we get to understand their views and reasons for doing things. Qing Huan is kind and understanding to a believable point. She goes along enough to make the journey not too bumpy but she's not a doormat either so the journey is very believable for what it is.

I started crying at around chapter 46-48

when Nanyang had a flashback of Qing Huan's 98th life and became somewhat suicidal while waiting for the 99th reincarnation


How long will you guys last? <<less
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Orangie rated it
June 2, 2021
Status: Completed

Honestly, don't make the same mistake I did by keeping this in my "might read" list for so long. I'm mad at myself for stalling to read this, it's a masterpiece. The other reviews aren't lying- it really deserves a 5 star review and is now one of my all-time favorite novels.

I won't go into the plot or "pros" like how I usually do (other reviews already did it so well) but here are a few more reasons why you should appreciate/read/and never forget... more>> this masterpiece.

  • The build up of the character/ character development, stories, emotions, and plots are so well done it made me both cry and almost die of fluff by the end of it. (I honestly wish this could go up to 200 chapters even if I would read meaningless stuff idc I love all of them so much)
  • The characters personality are so refreshing unlike other novels. They really feel like actual human beings and not just fictional characters in the story. (I actually felt like this was real with how this are so well made) both of them are both domineering/confident and yet shy and adorable depending on the situation and you don't really get to see that because the personalities of characters in other novels never really "leave" their cliché stereotype, they feel so human and arent afraid to leave the "stereotype" associated with their looks. (Ex: cold beauty but gets shy, cute, arrogant, domineering etc. Idk, other novels might have beauties with personalities like that as well but this novel makes it seem more natural/genuine.)
  • Well described scenes. The scenes and story are so well made you'd actually feel like you were watching a movie. There wasnt anything lacking in the story, there was no cringe or frustrating details in the story.
  • I dont know what else to say honestly, this novel left me speechless because of how well it made me feel the different emotions I went through.
This novel has left me feeling/hoping for love- pure and unconditional. If someone suddenly asked me to marry them while I read this novel I would've probably said yes even though I dont know them. Also, my parents might've found my name in the obituary with how I almost died with the cuteness, kindness, and sweetness that is Nanyang! <<less
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silvershades rated it
May 8, 2021
Status: Completed
I stayed up till 3 am to finish this novel. I really loved it. I cried a lot in some parts and grinned like a fool in some other parts. Nanyang's love for Qing Huan lasting so long and how patient she is really tugs at the heartstrings. She is the only one who remembers their past and she went through a painful ritual, she paid a heavy price for the person she loves, to get a chance of seeing Qing Huan again through her reincarnation.

I loved the second couple... more>> too. Wang Chen is the same like Nanyang. She also went through a painful ritual to meet and be with her princess through her reincarnation.

If you have read the BL novel "Heaven Official's blessing" then you will also love this novel. <<less
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RozuArison rated it
March 26, 2021
Status: Completed
Chapter 14: Oh wow! I love this T_T I only read 14 chapters so far, but there are parts that I almost cried.

Completed: I was reading this, and I didn't expect that I already finished it. I was too shocked lmao! The story is good! Really good! I just couldn't accept the fact that it feels so short for me 😭 (Note: I think you should read the prequel too for a longer story)

Overall: I like the atmosphere of this novel. It feels serious and kinda angsty yet warm... more>> and fluffy at the same time. Furthermore, the pacing is good and steady. It will mention some of the past life from time to time, and you can't help but smile or cry.

Chap 14: The main characters are likable huhu I love them already! There's not much fluffy development yet, but we're almost there. Qing Huan has so much personality and her views are the result of cruelty of this world. Ningyan is your cold type of person but extremely gentle and loving towards Qing Huan. She has so many regrets that it hurts to see her doing all these efforts.

Completed :

My favorite character is Wang Chen. She's the disciple of Qing Huan, and she's the most interesting out of them all. Unlike, Nangyang who consistently and devotedly use her time for her love throughout 3k years, Weng Chan is an explorer and open. She didn't focus all her life to her love, but she enjoyed her life and explored. She's truly the opposite of her master's master (lol). I sometimes ship her with Nangyang NGL (but that's impossible)



I like Nangyang's principle which is respecting Qing Huan's decision throughout 3k years. Wang Chen is the same like her. However, they didn't realize that this principle resulted to the some of the previews reincarnation's sadness. Some of the reincarnations truly loved them, but this principle stopped these two idiots to make move on the previews. AHHH THESE TWO 3K YEARS OLD IDIOTS!


Chap 14: Anyways, I'll try to complete it because I'm impatient asf.

Completed: I finished and ugh I love it!!! <<less
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baboy07 rated it
August 2, 2024
Status: --
I'm glad that I read this. It's really good. The tenderness, consideration, patience, longing, heartache, and unconditional love of Nanyang for Qinghuan got me hooked for reading the next chapter every time. It makes me wonder that if I was in the same position as her, would I still feel the same way, when three thousand years and ninety-eight reincarnations have pass? I wouldn't know. Lol. Anyway, it would be nice if the author added more stories about side couples. Also, I'm not satisfied with the ending. It feels kinda... more>> rushed. Overall though, it's really good.

I think there's a book about their first life story together. I'm deliberating if I should read it or not because I have a feeling it's not HE, if you based it on the facts in this book. Welp. We'll see. <<less
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May 26, 2022
Status: c21.2
My expectations reading this weren't exactly low, considering I have yet seen bad reviews from this series. Yet the more I read, the more detached I feel, specifically with the characters.

The main character Nanyang isn't exactly someone I can sympathize, and emphatize with. Her indifference with others while can be explained with age, still doesn't make much sense to me. "With age, comes wisdom" seems to avoid Nanyang entirely. While her indifference sometimes work when handling people with bad intentions, I also can't help but think this is how she's... more>> going to react towards people with good intentions.


Case in point during chapter 21 (I think), Nanyang the main character is someone coming from ancient times, who still sticks with some of the values from back then. While the actress who were talking to her did have some bad intentions, but she genuinely doesn't listen to the other party, like at all. This isn't a huge problem per se considering the conversation partner, but imagine if it's someone who do not have such intentions.

Another case would be the way she handled Xuxue (a descendant of one of Nanyang's disciple, who according to her is brainwashed by their ancestor to worship or treat Nanyang almost like a God. Or Lord), who is genuinely worried for her when she's suddenly gone without leaving a message. Nanyang thought she was noisy in the end, so she just blocked her on her phone. Yes, impeccable mannerism there.


Aside from that, there's a lot of genuinely concerning things happening in this series, but that's probably normal if under the assumption of that's how the entertainment industry operates. Or maybe that's how their people treats people weaker than them. If that's the case, it's not weird if you sense a dark undertone reading this.

In any case, if you've read up to this point, thank you for reading my first review on this site. Have a good read, fellas. <<less
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Lowislying rated it
August 2, 2021
Status: c18
Im only on chapter 18, but this is amazing I love the way the characters are written. I can't wait for more chapters!!!
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