I Picked up a Black Panther and Became a Duchess


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I was reincarnated as an extra who gets beheaded by the male lead, simply for being associated with a group of villainesses.

Thankfully, I was born into a minor family with no connection to the main characters.

As long as I avoided getting involved with the villainesses, I could survive.

But then—

“Emilina Klein?”

The male lead suddenly came to see me, even though I had been living as quietly as if I were dead. His unexpected arrival made me think I might die again.

“Didn’t you once pick up a black cat?”

Instead of holding a sword to my neck, I heard the male lead’s gentle voice. And even more shocking was what came next.

“Will you marry me?”

“W-What did you just say?”

“I asked if you would marry me.”

As I stammered in disbelief, the male lead added another sentence with a satisfied look on his face.

“You only need to bring yourself.”

In his golden eyes, a ravenous desire flickered, like a predator on the verge of capturing its prey.

Um, excuse me?

We just met, and you’re talking about marriage?

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