I Picked Up a Battered Elf and She Ended Up Becoming a Total Yandere. Anyway, Shall We Do Alchemy Together for Now?


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Alchemy + Yandere = Ultimate Slow Life

The main protagonist of this story, Belk Alphon, who was reincarnated into another world, helped a battered elf. But the said elf turned out to be a total yandere?

After reincarnating into another world, Belk Alphon decided to pursue his passion in becoming an alchemist. Since he didn’t like fighting, he did his best in making potions all the time. One day, he came across a battered elf and decided to help her.

After healing the battered elf with a potion that he had made himself, he realized this elf was incredibly cute and… A total yandere?

“Master, could you please fill me with your potion?”

A heartwarming slow life of an alchemist featuring the kind hearted Belk and a somewhat… No, a total yandere and quite le*d elf.

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Boroboro no erufu o hirottara mechakucha yandere ni natta ken, toriaezu issho ni renkinjutsu suru?
Boroboro no Erufu o hirottara mechakucha yandere ni natta kudan, toriaezu issho ni renkinjutsu suru?
I Picked Up a Battered Elf and She Became a Total Yandere, So Shall We Do Alchemy Together for Now?
I picked up a raggedy elf and she turned into a total yandere. Want to do alchemy together?
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New Angel058 rated it
September 8, 2024
Status: c18
It’s a cool story with an MC whose dealing with his own issues from the past world while trying his hardest to improve his & his elf mates lives. He also doesn’t jump straight into “i love you” at their first interaction & is instead trying to naturally build up to that moment.
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