I Only Summon Slime


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In a world where Mage Summoners are the elite among elites, revered for their ability to summon powerful vassals to their side and bring glory to their nations, one man has a dream: to summon the rarest of the rare — a Dragon!

There is just one problem. His every attempt at summoning results in Slime, the weakest of the weak.

What is an ambitious Mage Summoner to do?

Keep trying, of course. He will accept nothing less.

…But what is one to do with all these Slimes?

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A Fantasy I Wrote Out of Spite Because I Could Not Get a Rare No Matter How Many Times I Pulled In a Gacha Game
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03/30/21 ryuxenji afterword
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03/29/21 ryuxenji c4
03/28/21 ryuxenji c3
03/28/21 ryuxenji c2
03/28/21 ryuxenji c1
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12 Reviews sorted by

cryum rated it
March 30, 2021
Status: afterword
Some real black humor about gacha and the lengths a person is willing to go for one more pull.

It's quick and doesn't take more time than it needs, and is the ultimate message is surprisingly good from a man who was in the absolute depths of gacha addiction.

Still, please do not commit warcrimes for your passion.
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Meloonseed rated it
March 29, 2021
Status: c3
This is about a gacha addict's journey to degeneracy. He just keeps pulling and pulling, but no matter what, he only gets the lowest ranked useless slime mob.

... but are these slimes really all that useless?

The answer to that question is answered through all of the protagonist's gacha addiction fueled shenanigans.

... more>> I legitimately believe this is a 5 star read. Even though it has a bit of lack of details and is tell not show, and I usually really hate that, I think it works on this sort of story.

Try it out. See if you like it, because I really think you will. <<less
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ilLUMIAnated rated it
October 14, 2021
Status: c5
Oh dear Gacha Gods, bless this poor soul with an SSR.

... more>>

I adore this novel, even when I had reservations about reading such a short story which leaves practically no room for character development and world building, well, realistically at least. This story, in my opinion has more depth than some of the template-heavy cliche JP fantasy novels that I read (and I like a good handful of them, to be honest).


A cursory look at the story's summary and reviews would lead you to believe that it is a dark comedy about gambling addiction. But it's more than that.

The story revolves around the protagonist who was enraptured by a vassal summoned by his cousin at the age of 9. Like every child dreaming of greatness, our protagonist was dead set on making it happen. Over the course of the story he poured blood, sweat, tears and money into the hearth of evil- the summoning magic circle. The result? Slimes. Lots of them. He who had talent in summoning was only held back by the Gods of Gacha, RNGeesus. As if him summoning a slime as the first and the next few vassals was not enough, fate would soon begin mocking his raison d'être. He could only summon slimes. The ambition he held so dear to him gave way to a twisted trifecta of envy, self-loathing and greed. Envy in that same SSR summon of his cousin from all those years ago, self-loathing at being the witness of other's greatness and achievements from point-blank range and greed driving him to great lengths outdo them all, even if it meant crossing over into the realm of the Gods.

In these few, yet hilarious chapters our protagonist embarks onto a grand adventure to summon anything other than a slime. Dialogue is practically nonexistent, yet the author does a fantastic job of keeping it all succinct and emotionally rich.


However, I still have a gripe with this work. The flow of text even in light of how the story is structured feels more like a summary than an actual story. It feels like a aggregate of events taken from the timeline in which the protagonist had their wild adventures in rather than being more, personal. Don't get me wrong, the events in this novel are written to be emotionally gripping, but they are emotionally gripping in the sense of a case study, you would feel extreme, even inexplicable emotions when reading about events perpetrated by human hands as cold, hard facts. But those case studies at the core don't serve as windows to connect into a charcter's story, those case studies serve as a reminder to learn and to not repeat what already has been. This novel unintentionally reads like one of those case studies for me, one where I understand the situation, the reason behind the protagonist's convoluted actions and the underlying message the author wants to convey. But I still would've prefrerred if I could fully immerse myself into the protagonist's world without a constant, nagging sense of discomfort that makes the reading experience strangely grounded in reality.


This is a recommendation from me, if you enjoy short stories with characters that have a gambling addiction, this is for you.

Edit- I hid some portions of the review to mask the wall-of-text vibes. <<less
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DaoLaw rated it
June 24, 2021
Status: Completed
It was a really good ride.

Fun and some drama but still end fun and wholesome.

A light read for anyone who wants a good ride.
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March 24, 2022
Status: Completed
This is a fantasy parody about the dangers of a gambling addiction. It starts hilarious, but as befitting the subject matter the humor grows darker and darker, so be forewarned.
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Farella rated it
June 13, 2021
Status: Completed
It seems this author can only write hidden gems, like Lazy King. If you want something similar go read "The Life of Mt. Hororyuu: The Forefather of all Life and Magic at 4.6 Billion Years Old".

If you are here for a review instead, I can only say this is one of the fantasy short stories that succeeded in giving all the emotions it should in any single chapter. If you have already read one you would immediately get what I mean. If not, go read this novel immediately.
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Deviljiho rated it
August 23, 2022
Status: --
Nonsensical and fun. If you learn something is going wrong, you must not blame the world but look within yourself. A life lesson about our creations doing exactly what we made them to do, not what we want them to do.
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sandro530 rated it
July 11, 2024
Status: afterword
A great short stories about money, slimes and the lengths a man of passion and talent can go through for their goal.

Highly recommended due to the small size, it gave me a few nice laughs and had a pretty fun story,
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despairinglysimple rated it
November 21, 2023
Status: afterword
This is an ode to the people who suffer from the hands of luck. Whether it may be a gacha game where you try to gamble for your favourite character, or perhaps every job seems to slip from your fingers, this novel is for you. The main character is a summoner who summons magical creatures as familiars, yet seems to be cursed to forever summon only the most common one. Throughout the novel, the main character copes with his constant slime summons, learning more about slimes and the world around... more>> him. He creates opportunities for himself and struggles in pursuit of a more fulfilling life, stumbling across whatever the world throws at him. He learns to adapt and overcome the challenges, sometimes sacrificing every other thing in his life to do so.

The main character isn't a noble hero. He succumbs to his desires at times, but he knows to draw his lines so he can lead some semblance of a normal life. He mourns the loss of what he may never achieve, yet he grows into the skin of his unplanned future.

Despite the handful of chapters of this novel, every chapter felt like I lived years of this man's life. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, but that's okay. This tale is one of a desperate man, simply trying to feel fulfilled in his journey of a lifetime.

TL;DR: It's short but worth reading. There are ups and downs, but once it's over, it feels like I lived another man's life. Be sure to read the afterword, it adds delightful touch to the final conclusion. <<less
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kichullie rated it
July 8, 2022
Status: Completed
It would be nice if it's have more detailed world and action that he took to raised those slimes. Also I want it a bit longer about his leisurely life after he got 11 children. Too much time skipped actually this bad.

This book actually reminded me of an anime called By The Grace of the Gods. It's about slime as well. Starting from laundry, to clothing lines and later a poison as well as iron. But this one is tougher, darker than the anime and more straightforward.

Edit: I didn't know... more>> that By The Grace of the Gods also originally a novel. Maybe I'll read that one later. <<less
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Rhangin rated it
March 28, 2021
Status: c2
interesting enough... for me to give 3 or 4 ⭐ (i gave 5 ⭐ to balance 1 ⭐ratings)

one thing I dislike from this novel is too much time skip or lack of details.. (well the author just make it 8 ch short stories, in my opinion 30-40 ch is a good length for this story)

to make this simple, this is a story about gamble addict (gacha in full glory) 😂😂

-well I'm not fluent english speaker & that's all I want to share from this story that I... more>> read.. 😁 <<less
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shinichilove rated it
December 4, 2022
Status: Completed
A short enjoyable read about a man's spiraling addiction to Gacha summoning. It gets quite dark in the later chapters though there's still some funny bits. There's no dialogue and it reads more like a summary of events throughout the mc's life and his addiction. 5/5
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