I Married the Ruthless and Cold-hearted Hero Under Royal Decree, But Something Feels Off


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Even if there’s no love between us from the start, I want to marry someone with which we can think about each other and gently develop our love from there—

Despite her meager wish, Juliana, the daughter of the Duke, was married to Evet due to a royal decree, the country’s hero who was said to be cold and ruthless.

The two didn’t meet until the wedding day. On their first night together, there was no conversation between her and Evet, who seemed to be in a bad mood since the ceremony.

“This smell is…”

“Tha, that’s, a little bit of scented oil… Do you not like it…”

“No, it’s just like Lady Juliana, it’s fresh and sweet—it’s a nice scent.”

‘He, he’s sniffing me…!?’

“Nose, breathe through your nose.”

“I’m not, I’m not used to it yet.”

“If you were used to it, I would have had to tear the other guy apart.”


The hero I married seems to be quite different from what I thought—?

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  1. Complete novel 2
  2. Oneshots
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  4. Romances finalizados (hetero)
  5. Straight romance 'cause why not?

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06/09/22 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo oneshot
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kawaii12345 rated it
June 9, 2022
Status: Completed
Somewhere between 3 and 4 stars, I gave it 4 because the writing was very readable.

It's a standard arranged betrothal with the husband and wife not knowing each other. Everything flows from that plot point and does so with very little in the way of surprise or originality. There isn't much in the way of character development for the MC and ML. I did get the feeling the author wanted to try for some sort of wholesome bedroom comedy but failed.

Bottom line, it's an easy read, with a somewhat cute... more>> if dull MC. <<less
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chande rated it
June 12, 2022
Status: Completed
This story was kinda sweet although the plot was considered simple and there's nothing new in it. But don't worry, it's still enjoyable to read plus it had a decent sm*t scene.
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FreyjaVanadis rated it
September 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Short, sweet, and my favorite kink - CONSENT AND COMMUNICATION. There are some mild misunderstandings in the beginning because the leads don't know each other, but the whole story is very sweet and actually fits the era well. FL is hopeful but practical and appreciative of how things have worked out for her (she's marrying a man who is fit, very attractive, has hair, and is much closer to her in age than expected) even though she doesn't know him very well. ML has gotten the woman of his dreams,... more>> although we do not know why he's in love with her, and is kind and caring although very quiet and not very expressive. The smut scene was nice, and all in all a very cute little story. <<less
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xiyhan rated it
December 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Too short. The snusnu part too feels lacking. Like everything is rushed but I guessed they needed it short as it is a oneshot only. Nevertheless it's okay. If they ever adapted this one into manga, I hope they make it longer as well as do justice on the snusnu part
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Resplendor rated it
August 8, 2023
Status: --
I'm sorry, but none of that felt romantic or sexy to me.

She was basically handed off like a prize to some guy who had been simping for her.

The MC's only hopes for a husband was a guy about her age, not too fat, and a full head of hair that she might get along with someday.

... more>> She's pleasantly surprised by the ML being handsome but literally does not say a word to him until their wedding night.

Then after a fairly painful first experience with a complete stranger says she loves him? I mean at least he didn't r*pe her and even made her come once before sticking his shlong in, but really? This guy could be the worst incel and beats her when she doesn't live up to his fantasy one day, but hey, at least he's a hero and has a pretty face.

There's better romances and better smut to waste your time on. Don't settle ladies. <<less
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