I Killed the Demon King. It Was a Mistake


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[Congratulations on seeing all the endings of the Valent Saga.]

[From now on, you can select the hidden origin ‘Demon Race’.]

I was born as a Demon after falling into the game world and a whole 3 years have passed.

The nameless Allied Forces soldier, Mil of the Sky Knight Order, Barbarian Knight Barre.

And the doppelganger and spy of the Demon King’s army, Seo-han, are all me.

But I… “Y- you, what the heck… Bam!” I ended up blowing off the Demon King’s head.

Huh? This isn’t right.

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New IWantToReadStupidWebsite rated it
December 4, 2024
Status: c72
It's a good read but the translation leaves a lot to be desired. There are two entirely different species/factions and they are both called demons, but will be referring to completely different things, it feels like one of them should be called devils instead or something.

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First is the demons lead by the demon king, which include different races like orcs/beastkin/succubi/dopplegangers/vampires.

Second is the demon who are basically humans who were transformed from magic infecting their brain making them grow from 1-9 horns, the more horns, the stronger they are, strongest demon so far has been a 4 horn, with reference to a legendary 9 horn demon, the plague demon being made as well.


I really hope this is addressed at some point, as obviously it can break immersion when you realize they are talking about an entirely different kind of demon from what you were thinking, it''s not so much an issue when they are referenced in different chapters/arcs but when referenced close together, like in the same chapter, it can be jarring. <<less
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Ironman96 rated it
November 7, 2024
Status: c29
This one's not terrible, but not great either. We have a brutish and barbaric MC who doesn't take sh*t from anyone. He brute forces his way through most of his problems but also has the ability to scheme and plan ahead. I like the MC here. Side characters are meh and only world building so far is one city but we are still pretty early in the novel to talk about this.

The biggest disappointment for me is actually MC's ability, which is pretty much mind reading (not really a spoiler,... more>> it's explained in chapter 1). Its such a boring way to progress the novel and makes you lose all tension for any possible danger besides fights.

Every side character interaction/scheme/politics is dealt through this overpowered ability and all characters lose any possible charm and mystery they could've had. Oh we're introduced to a cool alchemist, we instantly know what he wants from MC. Oh we meet a cool inquisitor lady, will she be an ally or a foe, nvm, we instantly know what type of person she is. <<less
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