I Just Want It All For Myself


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Wei Yunbai is a young man with face-value that could go against the skies, a quiet and obedient person with first-class acting ability. Unfortunately, he has a mental illness.

The Child of Destiny: – What does it matter, he’s so good-looking, of course I should love him! Pet him! Bind him to myself!

Wei Yunbai smiles softly, “Okay.”

Later, the tall, rude and savage king of the prairie, the heartless gangster who deceives the world, the CEO’s ruthless rival, the death god, who collects souls by peeping through reflections, the emperor sitting on top of the world, who has countless beauties… They all bowed down to him.

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Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/01/22 lcswrts v1c1
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aevdn rated it
June 1, 2022
Status: Completed
Quick transmigration with seme MC. He spends most of the arcs playing an almost cat-mouse game with ml, so it isn't really a fluff-filled story. From what I remember it's very much about trying to win power games against each other, but there are no real stakes because -spoilers I guess- MC simply disintegrates once ML likes him enough.

Said so plainly, it doesn't feel like a fun novel, does it? It is, though. In my opinion, the settings are very interesting, and the way the two become obsessed with each... more>> other in each arc feels satisfying. Also loved all the alteregos of the ml. Very cute. <<less
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