I Hijacked the Timeline


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Upon waking up, Feng Qi found that the world had undergone an earth-shattering transformation.

Everywhere he looked, the ground was covered in bones, life had withered, and desolation reigned.

[Note: Three hundred meters ahead is a database where you can access historical information. It contains detailed records of your untimely death. Hurry and check it out.]

[Listen to me, don’t head west, or you might die!]

[See that black stone tablet? You’ve decided to go up and investigate it closely.]

“I don’t want to!” Feng Qi protested against the voice guiding him in his mind.

[No, you do want to!]

Under the guidance of the mysterious voice in his mind, Feng Qi traversed between reality and the future, gradually uncovering the truth of the world and beginning to seek ways to change its fate.

Having witnessed darkness, he longed infinitely for the light.

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I Kidnapped the Timeline
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