I Heard You’re Hard To Chase


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Xie Huai was notorious at school for being a poor student. He loved fighting, sleeping, and skipping classes as he didn’t like studying.

When he was caught skipping class by the class monitor while climbing a wall, the class monitor brought him back to the classroom without saying a word.

When he was caught fighting in the alley by the class monitor, the class monitor beat down the group of people and then brought him back home without saying a word.

When he was caught sleeping in the classroom by the class monitor, the class monitor took off his own uniform and draped it over him without saying a word.

Later, every day when Jiang Xu passed by the back wall of the school, there was no familiar figure climbing over the wall.

When he passed through the alley, there was no familiar noise of fights coming from inside.

During class, when he turned his head to take a glance at the sleeping boy, all he saw was an empty seat.

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I heard it’s hard to chase you
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caelumsidhe rated it
September 13, 2023
Status: extra
The author really writes well. Despite it being a short story, pacing was just right. The ML's actions all show his love for the MC.

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😭😭 I finished reading this in the middle of the night and I can't stop crying. Their love was just so beautiful and it hurt so much to see them be apart due to MC's illness. The extra was nice but honestly it felt more like a happy fantasy. However I wish it was true, it felt like chapter 23 was the actual ending and the extra was just to soothe the readers 😢


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Qiaoyishanren rated it
January 8, 2024
Status: Completed
What do you want me to say? Haha im still crying bruh! 🤣 Anyways, please read this novel, this is a good read for a short story.

I don't know if I'm gonna thank the author for writing that extra. But before that, that chapter was so painful. It seems all of us were weak when it comes to loneliness, illness and death of love ones. Sigh.
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