I Have Become The Snow Maiden I Created


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The first role-making RPG, The Four Seasons War.

I have possessed the Snow Maiden character I made.

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4 Reviews sorted by

New Hrllgody rated it
December 30, 2024
Status: c75
This novel feels like those classic reincarnation stories. The good ones where the main character reincarnates as a powerful beings and travels around the world while experiencing their culture and making some friends and subordinates. There are some good fights and worldbuilding along with a likeable cast of characters. Its fun, nostalgic and a good read overall.
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New Felo rated it
December 29, 2024
Status: c25
I've enjoyed this novel the most up until around chapter 23. For some reason the MC starts to act in clichés, and gets pushed around by others I think they would realistically have no issues against out of nowhere for the sake of plot progression. It was just way too forced in my opinion.

I actually felt the MC's actions have been perfectly in-line with their character before this chapter, so I don't have much else to complain about. I'm still enjoying the story, especially because the setting is a bit... more>> different, so I'm still rating as a 5 for now. Although I hope the author doesn't force the plot more in the future. <<less
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Snooty rated it
December 22, 2024
Status: c25
This novel is not bad, but it tries to do too much and falls flat on most concepts. Basically it’s about a guy that gets isekai’ed into his game character that chose beauty over power (I’ve never heard of a game that allows that, but let’s just suspend our belief). She is “weak”, but gets misunderstood as really strong because of the weird traits her character has, especially one that forces her to act arrogant.

The reason why this novel falls apart is because the MC is supposed to be a... more>> long time veteran that knows the ins and outs of the game, but doesn’t act like it. Instead of being proactive, things just kind of happen around her and she reacts to it. She seems to get caught off guard by events she knew would happen, which is strange and off putting. <<less
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Conceptualized rated it
December 23, 2024
Status: --
Its fine. It has an interesting premise. A MC that made a character, a Snow Maiden just for apperances not built to properly beat the game used a mythical item to end the final boss before the release of a sequel, was given a ? grade item as loot, something he had never seen before.

It said something about equivelant exchange with no proper explanation, and with seasonal items not being transferred over, he decided to use it on his character, Quelliere. It.. seemingly did nothing. But around 5 minutes before... more>> the release, he thought over what he had done when playing the game. He had made two other secondary characters in this role-making game. A lonely vampire, and a taciturn Black Knight, the lone warrior... so he says.

As the timer ran out, he clicked to start the new game. A window popped up to confirm if he would like to sync the data of his gameplay. And he said yes. So..


Without any rhyme or reason, he, now she found herself as Quelliere. In a castle of snow, within a snowfield.

I liked the novel. I certainly did. But like the other reviewer said, she.. doesn't really act like a veteran of the game? Maybe this will be explained later by parts of his personality and experiences or whatnot being spread across the three characters including Quelliere. For now, im taking a star off. <<less
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